Use Siri in Simulator

I am trying to test a Siri Intent I put in an app, but when I run simulator it doesn't seem to be able to pick up my voice. I click Siri and speak but nothing happens and the sound wave remains level. Are there settings I need to change to allow for Siri in Simulator to pick up audio? I'm running version 10.2 of simulator


Debugging in the simulator is supported. Microphone use is covered under the system privacy usage policy, so check macOS System Preferences > Security > Privacy > Microphone to ensure you didn't deny microphone access in the past. There is also the option to pre-set the invocation phrase, by editing your Xcode Scheme for the Intents extension, so that you don't need to speak to invoke Siri every time.

@edford you were right that Xcode wasn't allowed to use the microphone, but I have changed it and restarted Xcode and updated my computer, but it still will not pick up audio. Is there any where else I need to enable audio?

The best way to test it, is to activate "Type to Siri" in the accessibility settings. This also works for the watch simulator. The issue that Siri will not pick up your voice is still existent with Xcode 15.

Use Siri in Simulator