Rejected on 1.2 Safety: User Generated Content

I have been rejected by app reviewers multiple times on this matter.

To resolve this issue, please revise your app to implement all of the following precautions:

- Require that users agree to terms (EULA) and these terms must make it clear that there is no tolerance for objectionable content or abusive users

- A method for filtering objectionable content

- A mechanism for users to flag objectionable content

- A mechanism for users to block abusive users

- The developer must act on objectionable content reports within 24 hours by removing the content and ejecting the user who provided the offending content

However, the problem is that they gave me a screenshot of my login page, and my registration page.

On my login page, I did not mention any EULA.

On my registration page, before sending mobile number to verify, I placed a message
" By signing up, you confirm that you agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. "Is this not enough? I have seen all other user generated apps do the same thing. In my Terms of Service, I clearly mention that no objectionable content will be tolerated.

The rejection is a copy/paste section of the boiler plate contained in review's playbook....if you've satisfied some of it, work on the rest, such as moderating objectionable content.

If you've satisfied all of it, and you've gone around the appeal tree already, perhaps you need to make additional changes, or consider that the app has been flagged and there is nothing more you can do.

>I have seen all other user generated apps do the same thing.

Nothing in the store now is any promise of what will/won't be rejected/accepted going forward. Perhaps a recent change in the process has triggered your rejections.

>In my Terms of Service, I clearly mention that no objectionable content will be tolerated.

Not knowing the details of your TOS and your back/forth w/review, makes it difficult to offer suggestions, otherwise.

Good luck.

The usual problem here is that the app does not include a mechanism for reporting a problem posting, a mechanism for removing that post and a mechanism for locking out a particular user whose posts are objectionable.

If you have all that then it seems App Review wants you to get confirmation that the user has agreed to the EULA. You asked:

" By signing up, you confirm that you agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. "Is this not enough?


You need to have the user do something specific and affirmative that confirms "I agree". Put that button at the bottom of a UILabel containing the EULA and in front of the registration process. After the user clicks "I Agree" expose the registration process.

You can find many apps on App Store that doesn't have a confirmation button to EULA. Clubhouse is one of them.

problem solved ?

Although this thread is 2 years ago, below is a screenshot of what is expected by apple after the user complete the signup screen or after every successful login attempt a prompt like the below screenshot should appear.

Rejected on 1.2 Safety: User Generated Content