Change IOS Simulator directory.

Hi there,

Xcode takes a lot of free space on my SSD therefore I installed it on my external HDD.

But when I tried to download any of iOS simulators in Xcode preference I noticed that it was still downloaded on my SSD.

Could you please tell how can I change iOS simulator directory? In terminal, anywhere else?


Ok, thank you)

Actually, with Xcode 11's CoreSimulator, you can now have /Library/Developer present on any attached disk, and we will locate the runtimes within it.

@jeremyhu This is just incorrect lol. I have an external hard drive formatted with APFS and I moved my CoreSimulator folder over there into /VolumeName/Library/Developer and cleared my local Caches folder and made sure to kill all simulators. Yet still the simulator cannot load

@jhcarrington, any updates on that? I'm trying to this with my xcode 13, but it failed.

Any updates for now for Xcode 13?)

Change IOS Simulator directory.