App Store Connect API for Enterprise accounts

Now that provisioning has been added to the App Store Connect API I was wondering if support for enterprise developer accounts will also be added. As of yet there is no way to generate API keys for enterprise accounts.

+1 for this, we'd like to build automation for managing users, provisioning profiles ,etc. for our enterprise account as well but are currently unable to do so.

Agreed that this would be really important for us! Especially since it covers much of the same functionality.

+1 for this, although I didn't find anything in the documentation stating this.

+1 for this. We have to manage lots of people and devices. We need it.

+1 for this. It would be awesome feature for us!


+1 how could this even be missed.

+1 for this, this is very annoying that we have to do the enterprise account manually.

Everyone making a comment here should know that such desires are best submitted as enhancement requests via the bug reporter link below, being sure to add their report #(s) to their thread for reference.

  • 1 we need it. it's is very userfull

  • 1000 Does anyone know anything about this subject? I need it as soon as possible

Any updates?
Write your suggestion here to Apple
Yes +1 we would really appreciate this as it is also necessary for us
  • 1 We need this too. Any news?

Any update about this?
+1, We need this feature to improve our account management
Yes, we need this now!
Since Apple started forcing 2FA many CI's fails and one solution is to use api keys. Whats the hold up, Apple?
  • 1 on adding API Keys to Enterprise accounts. 13 years of app development and we still have too many spots of manual maintenance.

Another +1 .. please add.
@Apple how do you think anyone could build enterprise apps in a CI without access to the certificates? Please provide a better option or enable the appstoreapi for enterprise as well.
  • 1 bit of a blocker given the recent 2FA changes

Dear Apple, why don't you add Appstore API Key for Enterprise accounts ? Especially after enabling mandatory 2FA for all developer account. Could you please postpone this 2FA update or give us instruction how to migrate our pipelines after this update for Enterprise account ?
For regular accounts it is very easy to use Appstore API, but for Enterprise there is no automated solution to skip 2FA.

Indeed. We could bypass this limitation in our automation scripts by signing in with our regular credentials. However, the 2FA is now mandatory and we can't use 'keys' to automate our enterprise builds. Only regular AppStore builds.

  • 1 Waiting for API Keys support by Enterprise Dev Program.

App Store Connect API for Enterprise accounts