Incomplete Document Type Configuration


Today, when uploading an app to App Store, I all of a sudden get this warning:

"ITMS-90788: Incomplete Document Type Configuration - The CFBundleDocumentTypes dictionary array in the dk.something.coolapp Info.plist should contain an LSHandlerRank value for the CFBundleTypeName '$documentTypeName' entry. Refer to for more information on the LSHandlerRank key."

From the link in the text I get a list of keys that can be added in the plist, but I have idea why this is needed all of a sudden and don't understand where it should be added in the project file in Xcode?

I had this Error today too, what solved it for me was to going to Project Settings > Info > Document Types > Additional Document Properties, and Add Key "LSHandlerRank" with String Value of "Owner", "Default", "Alternate", or "None".

Incomplete Document Type Configuration