Error: Sign-Up Not Completed

Sign in With Apple shows this error "Sign-Up Not Completed" when we tap on continue button and after verifying Face ID.

  • I'm doing the same with Pinkney comment but still not working? What wrong ?

  • do we have any other solutions , I'm doing the same with Pinkney comment but still not working?

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The Sign in with Apple servers require percent encoding (or URL encoding) for its query parameters. If you are using the Sign in with Apple REST API, you must provide values with encoded spaces (`%20`) instead of plus (`+`) signs. For example, if your request URL currently looks like this—

Please attempt again after updating the request URL to the following—


hi, have you solved it? it's wroking on my company device but not working at apple reviewer side thye reject my app. plz help me if you solve this issue .

@nishee Haven't solved it, I refered the reviewers to this thread and they approved it. To me it looks like a general problem with recently generated bundle ids.

On Mar 6, 2020, codeMaestro wrote:

> However if the user hits cancel, we are not seeing the redirect to `redirect_uri`. Can you think of anything that comes to mind ?

This is behavior is by design and is expected. When a user attempts to authorize an app with the native authentication, the application and/or browser is not provided with any information from the native authentication sheet (unless the user successfully authorizes access). There is no way to currently track if a user cancels the native authentication flow and it should be considered an expected unknown error.

I'm having the same problem, it works on my test devices and even on external beta testers, but the Apple reviewer gets the "Sign Up Not Completed" error. Have you solved it?

How do you refer this thread to reviewers? We are facing the exactly same issue during the review.

Can you help to check the latest update on this thread, regarding the native app using Sign-in-with-apple function?
Seems to be a general problem.

This happened to someone at my company and we believe it was caused by their Apple ID being an old email address. After they updated their email, signed out and back in to iCloud with their Apple ID on their device, they were able to use Sign in with Apple without problems. I mentioned this to the reviewer but all they told me was that they are using a "valid iCloud account." I'm going to try referring them to this thread next.

The specific error that comes back from the ASAuthorizationControllerDelegate's didCompleteWithError callback is "canceled."

More on "canceled" error:

More on email address:
I have found a solution, it works for me, I hope it can help you.
Here is my solution:
  1. Enter the edit page of my App ID on Apple developer website.

  2. Uncheck the "Sign In with Apple" option in the capabilities list, then click save.

  3. Check the "Sign In with Apple" option again, and click save.

I also have a user with an email address facing the same issue.
Update: the user told me that the manage your Apple ID website forced him to update his email address, and now Sign in with Apple works
Same problem on watch in Xcode 12 beta 6.
UPD. I have "stopped using Apple ID" (via iPhone's settings) for main app. And login on watch starts working.
I have started get this error again after Xcode 12 release :(
I had Auth Key with Apple Sign in option checked which I have never used. I deleted the key and it worked.

go to, sign in there and then sign out