Cloudkit Web Services - access from a daemon?

Preface: iOS dev with little to no knowledge of general web architecture, ditto for Cloudkit (just beginning).

What I want to do is create an Enterprise iOS app that would use Cloudkit to notify and distribute information as it becomes available. I mostly understand the iOS side of things.

The problem is how to write to Cloudkit. While I could write a Mac app to poll our servers and then update Cloudkit, what would be optimal is (for someone) to create a daemon that runs on one of our servers, retrieves information, then uses Cloudkit Web Services to update records.

While I can create an Apple ID for this service, so it could connect with authentication, it **appears** that I would need to have some mechanism to show an admin (just once?) the login URL returned when Cloudkit Web Services doesn't see a ckSession value.

Can I just use a browser to do this login early on, get the ckSession value, then just hard code that into my daemon?

Were you able to make this work? I'm currently trying to do something similar but following the docs I'm stuck computing the X-Apple-CloudKit-Request-SignatureV1 using openssl from a C++ written app on Linux.

Got any advice?

Nope - I was hoping Apple would come through on this but didn't happen. I'm no longer with company that was proposing this - the project was later abandoned, partially due to this issue...

Cloudkit Web Services - access from a daemon?