Unable to log in to Member Center

I'm a member of a few paid development teams, but I'm unable to log into Member Center to access any of my accounts. When I head to https://developer.apple.com/membercenter/, enter my account information, and press "Sign In", I see this screen: http://imgur.com/jsjsk8X. I'm able to log into iTunes Connect, and I can also manage my Apple ID via https://appleid.apple.com, but I can't access Member Center.

Has anyone else experienced this and found a workaround? I've tried contacting Apple Developer Support, but they've been unable to resolve my issue.



Did you update/change the apple id password for that account, yet?

Be sure to log out from all apple id related resources first, including iTunes, iCloud, xcode, dev forums, member center and iTunes Connect on all computers you're using - if no joy, see if there is a cross-over between accounts trying to use the same logon. Still no joy, contact Apple again and push to see if wires are perhaps crossed on their end, etc.

I got the same error page when I tried to logon itunesconnect. But I can logon Member Center without any problem. I've reported the case to Apple support and waiting their reply.

I am stuck with this same error page since 2 weeks after the WWDC! I'm in contact with Apple Support since then and all they do is keeping me on standby, saying "the ticket has been forwarded to our technical team, they're working on it". But nothing has changed and I still can't access the Member Center....

It's almost 3 months now!!

Note: I am also member of multiple dev teams and the URL of the error page is "https://developer.apple.com/membercenter/selectTeam.action".

@tmacwill I found a solution! I was in two Developer Programms: my own and an Apple Developer University Programm. I asked the responsible person from my university to remove me from that University Programm and afterwards I could successfully log in to my Member Center!