Hi there, i'm getting the error ITMS-4162, "The total sizes of all the IAP hosted content assets exceed the limit of 5 GB" at Software/SoftwareMetadata, while trying to update a hosted content In-App.

My package has about 500Mb, and according to the documentation, i can upload up to 2Gb per package. Anyone already got this error?

Hello, i would like to update my app's in app purchases too. We are already close to the limit of 5 GB. How can i update the content of iap's if i dont delete the already uploaded content? Is there a way to extend the limit of 5 GB somehow? Is there a payed feature to be able to upgrade this limit? I can't find anything related to this issue.

Thanks in advance!

@felipe_a i suppose your IAPs as a sum have exceeded the limit of 5GB.

Hi, do you know if there is an easy way (e.g. in iTunes Connect) to tell how much content you have hosted with apple to see how close to the 5GB limit you are? I lost some of my archives & I'd prefer not to have to re-archive and sum all my IAPs if possible. In response to the thread: unfortunately it doesn't seem like there's much you can do about the 5gb limit except talk to Apple.