Does anyone know why none (or none that I've seen) of the app listings in the App Store include trademark symbols? Surely well-known names like Spotify and GarageBand are trademarked, so I would think the App Store name or description would be an important place to indicate that, to maintain protection of the trademarks.
Apple's app review guidelines and developer program agreement say a lot about not infringing Apple's trademarks, but don't say anything about developers protecting their own trademarks. I wrote to Apple to ask if they had an official policy or recommended best practice about trademark symbols and they replied that they couldn't give feedback on their review guidelines.
I could add a trademark symbol to my App Store listing and submit it and see what happens; if Apple rejects it, they will presumably provide some kind of explanation for the rejection. But if any of you already know what would happen or can explain why you do not show trademark claims in your own app listings, that would save the trouble. Also, I don't really want to have the only app in the App Store with a trademark symbol, if it is technically allowed but there is some widely followed reason not to do it.