upgrade to xcode 7 and swift or not?

I'm writing a business app and have it running for the most part. I'm wondering if it's worth migrating to xcode 7 and swift or not? It seems there's a lot of negative press (which there always is), but am I better off waiting for a while? I don't plan on integrating with watch for a while, but I want to deploy later this summer. Just a general question for opinion?


Where are you seeing negative press? I have seen developers of other platforms smashing Swift on Hacker News but it seems that acutal iOS developers seem to be happy.

If the past is any indication, you won't be able to submit anything to the store with Xcode 7 until it is out of beta, which will coincide with the public iOS 9 release which is "fall". So if your release plan is "summer" then do not upgrade.

We migrated our app project to 95% Swift over the last year which now sports 415 Swift files.

So far we're pretty happy with that decision 🙂