60 MB limit for executable

The iTunes Connect Developer Guide section on submitting the app (https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/LanguagesUtilities/Conceptual/iTunesConnect_Guide/Chapters/SubmittingTheApp.html)


"iOS App build files can be as large as 4 GB, but each executable file (

) must not exceed 60 MB."

We are building an app using Unity and with the addition of 64bit support our executable file is about three times that much (assume that is uncompressed). Is this still a valid limit?


These are still valid limits. I think with the release of iOS 9 you will be allowed to submit apps with only 64bit support. Maybe that helps you to reduce the file size.

Generally you may want to take a look at App Thining/On Demand Ressorces in iOS 9 (see the "App Thinning in Xcode" and "Introducing On Demand Resources" sessions from WWDC this year).

We are using Unity for development and the size of executable is way over the limit. I believe this is because both 64bit and 32bit version are included in the same binary. It does not look possible to get this under the limit if we are required to support both.

If you raise your deployment target to >= 7.0 the limit becomes 60MB per slice. Executables with lower deployment targets have an 80MB limit for all slices.

You're going to much better off asking in the Unity support forums, since this is quite likely a matter of "You need to tell Unity to do the right thing".