Hi - we are having some issues with the latest Xcode server beta and Xcode 7 (tbh, we were having worse issues previously, and things seem to be much better now - we get a lot further into the integration setup before we get a failure!)
I am seeing the follwing message in the raw bulid log:
iPhoneSimulator: Timed out waiting 120 seconds for simulator to boot, current state is 1.
We are behind a proxy that requires authentication, and I was suspecting this as the problem, as I see a proxy authentication dialog whenever I launch the simulator manually (unfortunately, this seems to be a persistent problem with our network). However, I have managed to configure the network settings is such a way that this doesn't occur any more. I'm bemused what could be preventing the simmulator from launching.
Anybody know where I could look to find out what the problem is ? What user do the xcode bots run under when then execute ?
I'd love to get Xcode bots working properly - we are so close and yet so far