error itms-90023

I am trying to submit an app but i get the error itms-90023. It says that the icon file of exact size 76x76 for ipad missing.

I cheked the asset catalog and the file is ther. The size is also exactly 76x76.

Dose anybody know what causes the error and how it can be solved.


In general itms errors like this mean exactly what they say: your final submitted binary is missing that icon. I don't have any good suggestions for how to debug it. If you move the thread over to "App Submission and Review" someone there might have some ideas.


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Quinn "The Eskimo!"

Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

use "Prepo" to make all of your icons. I used Prepo but got stuck on icon of res 167? where is it the 167 icon supposed to be?

error itms-90023