NEHotspotHelper pseudo API

I’ve been playing around with NEHotspotHelper recently and one of the things I’ve found is that, because the API is effectively parameter-block based, it’s not always clear which commands take which parameters. To get this sorted in my head I created a pseudo API that shows all of the commands with their parameters and function results tightly constrained. The result is pasted in below.

For example, from the NEHotspotHelper documentation and headers, it’s not obvious that the

command is allowed to do networking but the
command is not. In my interface, however, that is obvious because
callback does not get a

IMPORTANT This is not meant to be a usable API (for example, in a real app all of the callbacks are asynchronous), but rather a compact representation of the interface between the hotspot subsystem and your helper.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!”
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + ""
protocol HotspotDispatcherDelegate {
    func filter(networkList: [NEHotspotNetwork]) -> [FilterResult]
    func evaluate(context context: Context) -> NEHotspotHelperConfidence
        // .High or .Low yields the "Captive" transition in the authentication state machine
        // .None yields the "Not Captive" transition
    func authenticate(context context: Context) -> AuthenticateResult
    func presentUI(context context: Context) -> PresentUIResult
    func maintain(context context: Context) -> MaintainResult
    func logoff(context context: Context)

enum FilterConfidence {
    case low
    case high

struct FilterResult {
    let network: NEHotspotNetwork
    let confidence: FilterConfidence
    let password: String?

enum AuthenticateResult {
    case success
    case failure
    case temporaryFailure
    case uiRequired
    case unsupportedNetwork

enum PresentUIResult {
    case success
    case failure
    case temporaryFailure
    case unsupportedNetwork

enum MaintainResult {
    case success
    case failure
    case authenticationRequired

struct Context {
    func createTCPConnection(endpoint: NWEndpoint) -> NWTCPConnection
    func createUDPSession(endpoint: NWEndpoint) -> NWUDPSession
    func bindRequest(request: NSMutableURLRequest)


This is great. I have been creating a spreadsheet of inputs and outputs on a per-command basis.

I guess it makes sense to not allow networking during FilterResult, as no network is bound. I would hope there would be more information on how to use the network in the evaluate phase. If create***Connection and bindRequest are the only APIs permitted on an interface that isn't published globally as "available", then I wish that was called out explicitly in the documentation with an example.