obfuscated code

It seems that my app contains obfuscated code designed to subvert app store review. 😕

The problem is I don't know what they are talking about.

They won't tell me anything.

Does someone know how to proceed from here ?

I did try to use a private api (😊) using NSSelectorFromString but I have removed the code two revisions ago,

is it possible that they are analyzing a wrong version of the app ? I am not even sure that they have detected this particular piece of code.

In the last revision, I 've made sure to clean before building (but I did not remove derived data).

Should I resubmit, after having delete any cache, Is it possible they send intermediary files to ITC in order to help finding obfuscated code.

Well, I don't care about the process, I just want my app to be accepted so that my customer get critical bug fixes.

Answered by fkdev in 154829022

Turns out, there was obfuscated code in a third party binary library.

The names of some classes & methods were mangled.

In order to obtain the name of classes & methods, I had to go to iTunes contact, use the "reject clarification" form and then ask for "technical investigation".

Are you sure you got rid of all code that attempted to use private APIs? Are you sure you aren't accidentally sending them the wrong build, or attaching the wrong build in iTunes Connect?

I guess you could try deleting the derived data and rearchiving.

> made sure to clean before building

Instead of just a simple (single target) clean, use Xcode's Product menu, then, with the option key pressed, select 'Clean Build Folder'. Confirm no errors in the navigator and go again.

>did not remove derived data

Should be the same as doing a clean/option-clean in that case.

obfuscated code