




MPRemoteCommandCenter not updating play/pause button to proper state on iOS
So I'm using AVAudioEngine. When playing audio I become the 'now playing' app using MPNowPlayingInfoCenter/MPRemoteCommandCenter APIs. When configuring MPRemoteCommandCenter I add a play/pause command target via -addTargetWithHandler on the togglePlayPauseCommand property. Now I also have a play/pause button in my app's UI. When I pause playback from my app's UI (which means I'm the active app, I'm in the foreground), what I do is this: -I pause the AVAudioPlayerNode I'm using with AVAudioEngine. I do not, stop, reset, etc. the AVAudioEngine. I only pause the player node. My thought process here is that the user just pressed pause and it is very likely that he will hit 'play' to resume playback in the near future because My app is in the foreground and the user just hit the pause button. Now if my app moves to the background and if I receive a memory warning I presume it'd make sense to tear down the engine or pause it. Perhaps I'm wrong about this? So when I initially hit the play button from my app's UI I also activate my AVAudioSession. I do this in high priority NSOperation since the documentation warns that "we recommend that applications not activate their session from a thread where a long blocking operation will be problematic." So now I'm playing and I hit pause from my app's UI. Then I quickly bring up the "Now Playing" center and I see I'm the "Now Playing" app but the play-pause button is showing the pause icon instead of the play icon but I'm in the pause state. I do set MPNowPlayingInfoCenter's playbackState to MPNowPlayingPlaybackStatePaused when I pause. Not surprisingly this doesn't work. The documentation states this is for macOS only. So the only way to get MPRemoteCommandCenter to show the "play" image for the play-pause button is to deactivate my AVAudioSession when I pause playback? Since I change the active state of my audio session in a NSOperation because documentation recommends "we recommend that applications not activate their session from a thread where a long blocking operation will be problematic." the play-pause toggle in the remote command center won't immediately update since I'm doing it on another thread. IMO it feels kind of inappropriate for a play-pause button to wait on a NSOperation activating the audio session before updating its UI when I already know my play/paused state, it should update right away like the button in my app does. Wouldn't it be nicer to just use MPNowPlayingInfoCenter's playbackState property on iOS too? If I'm no the longer the now playing app/active audio session it doesn't matter since I'm not in the now playing UI, just ignore it? Also is it recommended that I deactivate my audio session explicitly every time the user pauses audio in my app (when I'm in the foreground)? Also when I do deactivate the audio session I get an error: AVAudioSessionErrorCodeIsBusy (but the button in the now playing center updates to the proper image). I do this : -(void)pause { [self.playerNode pause]; [self runOperationToDeactivateAudioSession]; // This does nothing on iOS: MPNowPlayingInfoCenter *nowPlayingCenter = [MPNowPlayingInfoCenter defaultCenter]; nowPlayingCenter.playbackState = MPNowPlayingPlaybackStatePaused; } So in -runOperationToDeactivateAudioSession I get the AVAudioSessionErrorCodeIsBusy. According to the documentation Starting in iOS 8, if the session has running I/Os at the time that deactivation is requested, the session will be deactivated, but the method will return NO and populate the NSError with the code property set to AVAudioSessionErrorCodeIsBusy to indicate the misuse of the API. So pausing the player node when pausing isn't enough to meet the deactivation criteria. I guess I have to pause or stop the audio engine. I could probably wait until I receive a scene went to background notification or something before deactivating my audio session (which is async, so the button may not update to the correct image in time). This seems like a lot of code to have to write to get a play-pause toggle to update, especially in iPad-multi window scene environment. What's the recommended approach? Should I pause the AudioEngine instead of the player node always? Should I always explicitly deactivate my audio session when the user pauses playback from my app's UI even if I'm in the foreground? I personally like the idea of just being able to set [MPNowPlayingInfoCenter defaultCenter].playbackState = MPNowPlayingPlaybackStatePaused; But maybe that's because that would just make things easier on me. This does feels overcomplicated though. If anyone can share some tips on how I should handle this, I'd appreciate it.
AVAudioEngine Hangs/Locks Apps After Call to -connect:to:format:
Periodically when testing I am running into a situation where the app hangs and beach balls forever when using AVAudioEngine. This seems to log out when this affect happens: Now when this happens if I pause the debugger it's hanging at a call to: [engine connect:playerNode to:engine.mainMixerNode format:buffer.format]; #0 0x000000019391ca9c in __psynch_mutexwait () #1 0x0000000104d49100 in _pthread_mutex_firstfit_lock_wait () #2 0x0000000104d49014 in _pthread_mutex_firstfit_lock_slow () #3 0x00000001938928ec in std::__1::recursive_mutex::lock () #4 0x00000001ef80e988 in CADeprecated::RealtimeMessenger::_PerformPendingMessages () #5 0x00000001ef818868 in AVAudioNodeTap::Uninitialize () #6 0x00000001ef7fdc68 in AUGraphNodeBase::Uninitialize () #7 0x00000001ef884f38 in AVAudioEngineGraph::PerformCommand () #8 0x00000001ef88e780 in AVAudioEngineGraph::_Connect () #9 0x00000001ef8b7e70 in AVAudioEngineImpl::Connect () #10 0x00000001ef8bc05c in -[AVAudioEngine connect:to:format:] () Current all my audio engine related calls are on the main queue (though I am curious about this In any case, anyone know where I'm going wrong here?
Dec ’24
Error Message when Trying to Submit EU Trader Status: "Something went wrong. Please try again."
I can’t submit an App Update without providing the EU trader information. I keep trying to submit this information. I upload all the documents, go through all the steps, then at the end I get the following error message: “Something went wrong. Please try again.” This is pretty frustrating. Then I had to start over...did it all again and ended up with the exact same error message. So I'm blocked from updating an app today...any advice on how I should proceed?
Nov ’24
EU Trader Question, How Long Before Apps Removed from EU?
I've been putting off entering my EU "trader status" info. I see this is published on the developer site: "Starting October 16, 2024, developers must provide their trader status to submit new apps or app updates for distribution in the European Union. To comply with the Digital Services Act, go to the Business section by February 17, 2025 to provide your trader status or your app will be removed from the App Store in the EU." So do I have to do this now (today October 16, 2024) to prevent my apps from being removed from the EU App Store (or do I have until February 17, 2025)?
Oct ’24
App Store Promo Codes Not Working for Subscriptions on iOS 18
I tried redeeming a promo code for a subscription on iOS 18. It's a yearly subscription (the promo code is for myself in this case). This always worked before. Now on iOS 18 when I redeem the code in the App Store it just spins an activity indicator in the navigation bar for a few seconds and stops. Promo code doesn't redeem. No error message either. Now when I try to redeem the promo code on the Mac App Store I get the following error: "You must redeem this code on a device that supports App name". This error makes sense because the app is iOS/iPadOS only. But the fact that the Mac App Store displays the App name in the error message indicates that the code is valid and should work on iOS, but it does not.
Oct ’24
Project Navigator Broken in Xcode 16? Drag and Drop to Reorder Files Doesn't Work. "New Groups" Creates New Folders.
I just created a new project in the newest version of Xcode as a sample project for a feedback. Bug 1 So simply what I do in every new project is create a "Supporting Files" group (not a folder because I don't want to move these files on the file system). I put the following files in this group: .entitlements file -the Info.plist (which apparently new projects don't create anymore because I don't see one). main.m Assets.xcassets In previous version of Xcode this was done with the "New Group without Folder" action (though back in the day I believe you'd get yellow folders in "New Group" and blue folder with 'New Folder" and they were separate actions.... which was actually better and much less insane IMO but that's not really important to this). In any case, "New Group without Folder" is nowhere to be found in the context menu. I finally was able to get "New Group" to appear as long as I wasn't right clicking underneath any directory. But.... New Group actually creates a New Folder, just like New Folder. So I put the .entitlements in the Supporting Files group (which is not a group, but a directory) and the app won't compile unless I fix the path in project settings because I moved the file which is most definitely not what I wanted. So we can no longer group files in the project navigator without moving them to new directories? Is this intentional behavior? It can't be, right? Bug 2 I noticed dragging and dropping to reorder files in the project navigator no longer seems to work? In previous versions of Xcode I could drag and drop to reorder files (in groups and in folders, this would work). This appears to no longer work. I just have to accept the way Xcode orders my project files?
Sep ’24
Possible to have NSWindow *without* NSWindowStyleMaskTitled to make the screen its on the main screen?
I have a NSWindow subclass. The window has a custom shape, and thus has a custom contentView which overrides drawRect to draw . Since the window has a custom shape it cannot use the system provided titlebar. The problem I'm having is when there are multiple screens, if my window is on the inactive screen (not mainScreen with menu bar) and I move the mouse over to the second monitor and click the window....the menu bar doesn't travel to the screen my app is on after the window is clicked. This does not happen with any other window. In all other windows, the menu bar moves to the screen once you click a window on that screen. So it appears this is because my window is not using NSWindowStyleMaskTitled. As far as I know, I can't use the system title bar and draw my custom window shape. Abandoning the custom window shape is not an option. Without going into too many details as to why I care, the menu bar really should travel with first click on my window like other apps.. Is there a way to tell the system (other than using the NSWindowStyleMaskTitled) that clicking on my window should make that screen the "main screen" (bring the menu bar over? I tried programmatically activating the application, ordering the window to the front, etc. but none of this works. This forces the user to click outside my app window, say on the desktop, to move the menu bar over, which feels wrong. Thanks in advance if anyone has any suggestions.
Sep ’24
Mac App Store Bug Fix Updates Getting Blocked, Reviewer Sending "App Sandbox Design Guide" Broken Link
My app, which has been on the Mac App Store for many years, has an update being blocked by App review. The only change made is a bug fix (documented in the release notes). First rejection: Said I was using an entitlement I didn't need. My response: I explained the feature that required the entitlement. App goes back in review and gets rejected again for completely different reasons. They don't want me to write files in my App Sandbox container and instead write them in a more traditional user facing location (like in the Documents folder). They keep sending me a link to the "App Sandbox Design Guide" in the Documentation Archive (which appears to redirect to a different page?) and are quoting a section that is nowhere to be found in the link they send me (on the page I'm redirected to). I keep explaining to them that I cannot write outside my sandbox container and that this isn't my choice. And they keep rejecting my app and sending me a broken link to the "App Sandbox design guide." It isn't my fault that I have to write to my sandboxed container by default or have a non-functioning app. In any case, I don't understand why a bug fix update is being held up and I'm getting some vague instructions about possibly having to design some long winded explanation to the user in some ridiculously complicated onboarding process about choosing a folder in a save panel, why you have to choose the folder in the save panel (because I need your permission), OR just quit the app you just bought because it'll otherwise do nothing if you don't choose a folder in the save panel. Users got enough panels to deal with. At the very least App review shouldn't send me broken links from the Documentation Archive. So I'm using my sandbox container by default (because by default I cannot do anything else). I've been doing this for a long time and I don't understand why it is suddenly a problem. What is my sandboxed container for if I can't write to it? If documentation such as the "App Sandbox Design Guide" is still relevant and important why is it being archived anyway ? The link redirects I cannot find the section the reviewer is citing in the provided link. I don't mind being asked to do something to improve the app but I've wasted a lot of time trying to satisfy app review in the past only to misinterpret what they actually are asking me to do causing more wasted time and energy and not getting a whole lot in return. And I don't think it's fair to block a bug fix update.
Sep ’24
vImageConverter_CreateWithCGImageFormat Fails with kvImageInvalidImageFormat When Trying to Convert CMYK to RGB
So I get JPEG data in my app. Previously I was using the higher level NSBitmapImageRep API and just feeding the JPEG data to it. But now I've noticed on Sonoma If I get a JPEG in the CMYK color space the NSBitmapImageRep renders mostly black and is corrupted. So I'm trying to drop down to the lower level APIs. Specifically I grab a CGImageRef and and trying to use the Accelerate API to convert it to another format (to hopefully workaround the issue... CGImageRef sourceCGImage = `CGImageCreateWithJPEGDataProvider(jpegDataProvider,` NULL, shouldInterpolate, kCGRenderingIntentDefault); Now I use vImageConverter_CreateWithCGImageFormat... with the following values for source and destination formats: Source format: (derived from sourceCGImage) bitsPerComponent = 8 bitsPerPixel = 32 colorSpace = (kCGColorSpaceICCBased; kCGColorSpaceModelCMYK; Generic CMYK Profile) bitmapInfo = kCGBitmapByteOrderDefault version = 0 decode = 0x000060000147f780 renderingIntent = kCGRenderingIntentDefault Destination format: bitsPerComponent = 8 bitsPerPixel = 24 colorSpace = (DeviceRBG) bitmapInfo = 8197 version = 0 decode = 0x0000000000000000 renderingIntent = kCGRenderingIntentDefault But vImageConverter_CreateWithCGImageFormat fails with kvImageInvalidImageFormat. Now if I change the destination format to use 32 bitsPerpixel and use alpha in the bitmap info the vImageConverter_CreateWithCGImageFormat does not return an error but I get a black image just like NSBitmapImageRep
Sep ’24
Mac App with Python Embedded: Sandbox Blocks Python Script from Running Only in Release Mode?
I have an XPC service that embeds Python. It executes a python script on behalf of the main app. The app and xpc service are sandboxed. All seems to work just fine in the development environment but the script fails in the released version. I disabled writing pycache by setting the PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE environment variable because pycache tries to write inside my app bundle which fails (I believe I can redirect the pycache directory with PYTHONPYCACHEPREFIX and may experiment with that later). Specifically this line fails in the release version only (not from Xcode): PyObject *pModule = PyImport_Import(moduleNameHere); if (pModuleOwnedRef == NULL) { // this is null in release mode only. } Any ideas what can be going wrong? Thanks in advance.
Jul ’24
Mac App That Embed Python Interpreter Rejected from App Store
I have a simple little Mac app that embeds a Python interpreter. I wrote this app almost ten years ago and completely forgot about it. Anyway I submitted an update to it with a new version of Python but it's being rejected by App review for the following reason: Your app uses or references the following non-public or deprecated APIs: Symbols: • _Tcl_NewByteArrayObj • _Tcl_ResetResult • _Tcl_MutexLock • _Tcl_GetBooleanFromObj • _Tcl_SetObjResult • _Tcl_CreateInterp • _Tcl_ThreadQueueEvent • _Tcl_UnsetVar2 • _Tcl_GetBignumFromObj • _TclBN_mp_to_unsigned_bin_n • _Tcl_ListObjLength • _Tcl_ConditionWait • _Tcl_GetDouble • _Tcl_GetDouble • _Tcl_DeleteFileHandler • _Tcl_SetVar • _Tcl_SetVar • _Tcl_SetVar • _Tcl_DoOneEvent • _TclFreeObj • _Tcl_Eval • _Tcl_Eval • _Tcl_Eval • _Tcl_FindExecutable • _Tcl_NewLongObj • _Tcl_CreateTimerHandler • _Tcl_Init • _Tcl_ConditionFinalize • _Tcl_GetByteArrayFromObj • _Tcl_ListObjIndex • _Tcl_ExprLong • _Tcl_NewDoubleObj • _Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj • _Tcl_ExprString • _TclBN_mp_read_radix • _Tcl_DeleteTimerHandler • _Tcl_CreateFileHandler • _Tcl_GetVar • _Tcl_GetVar • _Tcl_CreateObjCommand • _Tcl_SetVar2Ex • _Tcl_GetStringFromObj • _Tcl_NewStringObj • _Tcl_GetObjType • _Tcl_MutexUnlock • _Tcl_DeleteCommand • _TclBN_mp_init • _Tcl_GetCurrentThread • _Tcl_ExprDouble • _Tcl_AddErrorInfo • _Tcl_Free • _Tcl_GetStringResult • _Tcl_SetVar2 • _Tcl_SetVar2 • _Tcl_GetBoolean • _Tcl_GetBoolean • _Tcl_RecordAndEval • _Tcl_EvalFile • _Tcl_GetLongFromObj • _TclBN_mp_clear • _Tcl_ThreadAlert • _Tcl_ExprBoolean • _Tcl_DeleteInterp • _TclBN_mp_unsigned_bin_size • _Tcl_AttemptAlloc • _Tcl_GetObjResult • _Tcl_GetWideIntFromObj • _Tcl_NewListObj • _Tcl_ConditionNotify • _Tcl_NewBooleanObj • _Tcl_SplitList • _Tcl_EvalObjv • _Tcl_GetThreadData • _Tcl_GetVar2Ex • _Tcl_NewWideIntObj • _Tcl_NewBignumObj • _Tcl_ListObjGetElements • _Tcl_GetString • _Tcl_GetString • _Tcl_GetString The use of non-public or deprecated APIs is not permitted on the App Store, as they can lead to a poor user experience should these APIs change and are otherwise not supported on Apple platforms. I read online that this is a sort of a widespread issue right now with apps that embed Python (would share links but then my post will have to be approved by a moderator). Anyone have a workaround?
Jul ’24
Understanding AVAudioTime in AVAudioNodeTapBlock? Is there a way to get time relative to a scheduled Buffer?
I'm using AVAudioEngine to play AVAudioPCMBuffers. I'd like to synchronize some events with the playback. For example if the audio's frame position is >= some point && less than some point trigger some code. So I'm looking at - (void)installTapOnBus:(AVAudioNodeBus)bus bufferSize:(AVAudioFrameCount)bufferSize format:(AVAudioFormat * __nullable)format block:(AVAudioNodeTapBlock)tapBlock; Now I have frame positions calculated (predetermined before audio is scheduled I already made all necessary computations) . So I just need to fire code at certain points during playback: [playerNode installTapOnBus:bus bufferSize:bufferSize format:format block:^(AVAudioPCMBuffer * _Nonnull buffer, AVAudioTime * _Nonnull when) { //Inspect current audio here and fire... }]; [playerNode scheduleBuffer:fullbuffer atTime:startTime options:0 completionCallbackType:AVAudioPlayerNodeCompletionDataPlayedBack completionHandler:^(AVAudioPlayerNodeCompletionCallbackType callbackType) { // some code is here, not important to this question. }]; The problem I'm having is figuring out at what point in full buffer I'm at within the tap block. The tap block passes chunks (not the full audio buffer). I tried using the when parameter of the block to calculate the frame position relative to the entire audio but have be unsuccessful so far. I'm assuming the when parameter is relative to the buffer passed in the tap block (not my entire audio buffer I scheduled). Not installing a tap and just using a timer before scheduling my fullBuffer has given me good results but I'd rather avoid using a timer if possible and use sample time.
Apr ’24