Mickey/Minnie Mouse won't say the time

I know this isn't really a big deal but I wanted to show my daughter how Mickey and Minnie Mouse will tell you the time by tapping on them and I cannot get it to work. I cannot get them to say the current time. Anyone else experiencing this issue or know if I'm not doing something?

If your watch is on silent mode the Mickey and Minnie faces wont speak the time.

It's not on silent mode, sound works fine with calls/messages.

That's strange, on mine it works fine. Though, from time to time they will stop speaking the time, but if I reboot my watch they start speaking the time again.

I had the same experience that AbsurdBrian had - I couldn't get those mice to speak either. Looks great on the videos...

Works in b2

Yeah, it's now working for me in b2 also

Aparently you may have to be connected to wifi. Wouldnt work for me at home (no wifi) but i got to work and connected and it did work. Hope that helps.

I just tested it out. No wifi, no iphone connection as I drove without and it works. I suggest you try for yourself. o I see you did. Not sure why yours does not work.

I tried to reset as a new watch, but it still doesn't speak the time.

I wonder if they only speak if you set your locaton as USA/Canada, due to some voiceover licensing issues, or maybe they just speak in English, so if your location is in a non-English speaking country they won't speak?

You do know you have to turn it on in watch setting on the Iphone on the watch app? Then it should work. it is off by default

Good call. Tap on a Mickey/Minnie watch face in the iPhone watch app for this setting. For me this was on by default however.

So is it working now?

I've never had a problem, I was just trying to give some ideas as to why it might not work for others. I think the setting you mentioned is most likely the actual reason.

Right ! my Bad!

I soft reset my iphone then it started to work maybe that will help

Mine has been working for 5 days, and today it randomly just stopped talking. Haven't figured out how to fix it yet.

Mine quit working too, let me know if you figure it out!

Mine won't work either. I tried all of the suggestions so I have no clue what to do. It looks so cute! ]:

Go to My watch app on phone>Sounds @haptics> Tap to speak> on . This is found at the bottom of the page. Also if you have done this try and repair the phone.

Mickey Stopped working but Minnie worked. Tried power cycling watch doesn't work. I then turned off Bluetooth on iPhone and then back on the Mickey started talking again. If this worked for you please rate

I had the same problem with my watch series 2, I fixed it by removing the watch faces that weren't speaking the time and re-added them. Keep in mind that in the settings, you should enable tap to speak time before re-adding the mickey and minnie watch faces.

Hope this helps.

Oh my goodness this is INFURIATING. When my watch first got the update to the latest OS where the mice talked, everything worked fine and they spoke just as they should. Then iOS 10 came about, and when I had my 6s+ the talk feature stopped working. I tried EVERYTHING above, and I don't believe any of that actually made it work. One time, out of the blue, I was switching the watch face and the darn mice started talking again. Then came my 7+ and they stopped talking AND apple pay from my watch stopped working. I fiddled around with the watch and after a ZILLION attempts of resetting, unpairing, turning off and on, etc, the mice started to talk, but apple pay continued to not work. Today, I gave it another go, and lo and behold, apple pay is now working but the flippin' mice stopped talking again!!!!!! I've been messing around with them for the past hour or so and they won't start talking. I'm soooooooooo frustrated. I've done all the above AGAIN and AGAIN and I've changed watch faces and turned the tap to talk on and off and turned mute off and on and then off to NO AVAIL. There needs to be a permanent FIX to this. Grrrrrrrrrrr............

Go to sounds and haptics on My Watch. See if Silent Mode is checked. If checked, uncheck.

Go to sounds and haptic son Apple Watch. If silent mode is checked, uncheck. Does this help?

Mickey/Minnie Mouse won't say the time