Testflight support?

How can we testflight our apps to external users? Do we need to create a dummy iOS app and testflight that with the extension?


Answered by Documentation Engineer in 158523022

OK, the TestFlight team says that the bug should be fixed, at least for the emailing part so folks please try sending your invites again.

@artmin: it would be good to test your case as well just to see if it's the same root cause or not. Please report back with what you find.

Thanks all for the bugs and the patience as we get through these issues! Your participation means a lot to us! 🙂

I've been refreshing this page daily: https://developer.apple.com/testflight/release-notes/

iMessage app submissions are not yet supported.

Same on July 12 as June 13

Has anybody got the technique you suggested working? Dummy iOS app but it has the extension. Did you try?

tthanks for the info. Haven't try it yet. I will next week and report back :)

Nice! I was looking for this page. I've asked a few times. Count me in as a refresher!

They just added this to that page:

iMessage app submissions are now supported for apps built with iOS 10 beta 3.

But I still can't get my iMessage app submission to work, I'm getting:

The binary is invalid - The LC_ENCRYPTION_INFO load command is not expected for the bundle executable of ***.app. This binary does not seem to have been built with Apple's linker.

Sounds weird cause I archived my app using Xcode 8 Beta 3. Anyone managed to submit their iMessage app?


Same here, after a successful upload I get an email with the error you mentioned

Some progress today, managed to upload successfully and complete processing. Apple must have fixed it from their end.

However, when I tried to initiate Internal Testing via TestFlight, the invite emails are not sent.

Please write bug reports for anything in TestFlight that's not working correctly for you. Since this is all quite hot off the presses, getting them in sooner rather than later will help us iron out the wrinkles. Please post any bug numbers here. Thanks!

Thanks pdm, just submitted the bug report: 27568457

I have resubmitted a few times and have been accepted but I cannot get a TestFlight invite code nor an email still.

Anybody have it go through yet?

I received a mail from Apple support about the earlier LC_ENCRYPTION_INFO problem - that does seem to have been fixed.

Same here, haven't been able to get TestFlight to work.

We're aware of this issue and looking into it. Thanks for the bug report! I'll report back when we've got things sorted out.

FYI pdm - I've submitted my Messaging app for Beta Testing on TestFlight twice - and both times they just disappear after 24 hours. They start in Review but then when I check back much later, it's gone.

My internal testing has a version (though I can't test because I can't receive the email)

My extenal testing says "You’ve submitted or tested all available builds for this version."

Hope this helps.

It would be great if you could file a bug report about this specifically as that sounds like it might be a different issue. Please include the AppleID of your app so we can figure out what's happening. Post the bug number when you have it.


pdm - TestFlight external testing of iMessage App disappearing when it's in review: 27614958

Accepted Answer

OK, the TestFlight team says that the bug should be fixed, at least for the emailing part so folks please try sending your invites again.

@artmin: it would be good to test your case as well just to see if it's the same root cause or not. Please report back with what you find.

Thanks all for the bugs and the patience as we get through these issues! Your participation means a lot to us! 🙂

Testflight support?