Testflight support?

How can we testflight our apps to external users? Do we need to create a dummy iOS app and testflight that with the extension?


Answered by Documentation Engineer in 158523022

OK, the TestFlight team says that the bug should be fixed, at least for the emailing part so folks please try sending your invites again.

@artmin: it would be good to test your case as well just to see if it's the same root cause or not. Please report back with what you find.

Thanks all for the bugs and the patience as we get through these issues! Your participation means a lot to us! 🙂

My builds just reappeared in the Testflight -> External Testing section with status "In Beta App Review" as well.

The state changed to "In Beta App Review" but it appears for every build that disappear, is this a new bugged state? because certanly there is no need to review older builds right?


The three versions of my App that disappeared got approved for Beta Testing. I was able to add an external tester and that tester received the email when I started testing. That tester has not yet installed the App but it looks like it's working now @pdm.


I'm seeing this problem too with B4

[Transporter Error Output]: ERROR ITMS-90534: "Invalid Toolchain. New apps and app updates must be built with the public (GM) versions of Xcode 6 or later, OS X, and iOS SDK or later. Don't submit apps built with beta software including beta OS X builds."

rdar://27663268 for this issue PDM

How are you guys uploading via TestFlight? Are you creating a dummy iOS app, that is bundled with your iMessage extension? Or is there a way to upload just the iMessage Extension that I am missing?

No need to create a dummy iOS app. Just archive your MessagesExtension, create an iOS app in iTunes Connect just like what you would do as usual for a normal iOS app, then upload it. The bundle id for this "iOS app" in iTunes Connect has to be the one for the non-existent dummy app (i.e. without the MessagesExtension suffix). It's a bit confusing at the moment, I hope they're introducing a much simpler way closer to the public release of iOS 10...

My apps seems to be stuck in "In Beta App Review" since yesterday. Anyone else have the same issue?

Yup, mine is still stuck in that stage as well...

That's not very promising, is it?

Quick update: The two builds that appeared "In Beta App Review" on Monday are still stuck in review. So what are the next steps? Xcode Beta 4 is not supported by TestFlight, so do we redownload Xcode Beta 3, downgrade the code to Beta 3 and upload again?

TestFlight supports Beta 4 as of yesterday:


I was going to test external TestFlight later today and will report here. My previous attempt worked before Beta 4 came out.

My build for external testing that was previously "In Beta App Review" just got approved.

That's great news! I've had less luck so far. The builds I've submitted on Monday are still "in review". I've uploaded a new build with Beta 4 yesterday, which is also still "in review".

I submitted a new build of an iMessage App last night. I got the internal testing TestFlight email right away when I selected the build.

My external TestFlight beta review finished this morning and I sent it to 4 new external testers and they've received the email.

So it looks like it's working fine for me - and it seems iOS 10 Public Beta is stable enough to recommend to my testers.

(I put this as a reply to original post since those replies were getting hard to navigate)

Testflight support?