Sandbox APNS is down ?

hi, so suddenly my app cannot generate device token.

tried to run in production, everything worked just fine.

but if i run it in sandbox, no delegates method called

( didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken: or didFailToRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithError: )

from what i read in the docs, it said :

"If neither delegate callback

is called, that means that this connection has not yet been established."

so is Sandbox APNS currently down ? or there's something that i missed ?


Hi. I also have this project I am working on, yesterday it was working fine when I left home.

This morning I am not getting response from APNS, I have tested in 2 diferent devices, but none of the delegate methods are called.

I have also step back in the git repo to previous versions which I am also positive they were working fine, and they are not anymore.

Apns down?

Anyone having this issue?

According to APNS Sandbox is running but I am also having the same problem. I'm calling

[[UIApplication sharedApplication] registerForRemoteNotifications];

but neither

- (void)application:(UIApplication *)application didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken:(NSData *)deviceToken


- (void)application:(UIApplication *)application didFailToRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithError:(NSError *)error

get called.


Not the SandBox works !!!

The deviceToken not come out!

yesterday was still good, or to do with iOS 9.3.3?

I'm running 9.3.2.


I am experiencing the same issue as well. For one of my test devices, the delegate methods are not called and hence the device token is not obtained. In another device, (on which push notification was working successfully yesterday), the same device token is being obtained from the delegate method but push is not working. Checked feedback service and there is no error as well with the device token. This second device was updated to 9.3.3 yesterday but the first device (for which the delegate methods are not being called), is on 9.3.2.

Developing a Xamarin.iOS app, but the problem is the same for me. Calling the Register method as explained in the Xamarin docs, which was working perfectly since a few weeks, and all of a sudden, this morning, not a single response from that APNS call, not even the Fail callback. No ideas where this comes from. Changed nothing on that code since yesterday afternoon, where everything was working as intended.

"APNS Server DOWN"

After a long time I found that on 19 July, 2016 due to some error or updation at Apple's end , the didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken method has stopped being called even if every condition like Internet connection , Device and the methods used are perfect.

To verify please have a look in your other apps too. I had wasted my several hours but hope it helps someone. Thanks.

Same problem here.

Here is what happening in the device log when trying to obtain device token:

Jul 19 14:14:42 jncs-iPhone apsd[96] <Error>:  SecTrustEvaluate  [leaf AnchorTrusted]
Jul 19 14:14:42 jncs-iPhone apsd[96] <Warning>: CFNetwork SSLHandshake failed (-9807)
Jul 19 14:14:42 jncs-iPhone apsd[96] <Error>:  SecTrustEvaluate  [leaf AnchorApple AnchorTrusted CheckIntermediateMarkerOid]
Jul 19 14:14:42 jncs-iPhone apsd[96] <Warning>: 2016-07-19 14:14:42 +0400 apsd[96]: Failed to validate certificate chain for
Jul 19 14:14:42 jncs-iPhone apsd[96] <Notice>: 2016-07-19 14:14:42 +0400 apsd[96]: Failed to validate certificate chain for
Jul 19 14:14:42 jncs-iPhone apsd[96] <Warning>: 2016-07-19 14:14:42 +0400 apsd[96]: Untrusted peer, closing connection immediately
Jul 19 14:14:42 jncs-iPhone apsd[96] <Notice>: 2016-07-19 14:14:42 +0400 apsd[96]: Untrusted peer, closing connection immediately


Yes this is still broken on July 19 2016 13:20 CET

Jul 19 13:17:42 Lees-iPhone apsd(PersistentConnection)[90] <Notice>: 2016-07-19 13:17:42 +0200 apsd[90]: Failed to validate certificate chain for

Jul 19 13:17:42 Lees-iPhone apsd(PersistentConnection)[90] <Notice>: 2016-07-19 13:17:42 +0200 apsd[90]: Failed to validate certificate chain for

Jul 19 13:17:42 Lees-iPhone apsd(PersistentConnection)[90] <Notice>: 2016-07-19 13:17:42 +0200 apsd[90]: Failed to authenticate with production policy

Jul 19 13:17:42 Lees-iPhone apsd(PersistentConnection)[90] <Notice>: 2016-07-19 13:17:42 +0200 apsd[90]: Untrusted peer, closing connection immediately

Jul 19 13:17:42 Lees-iPhone apsd(PersistentConnection)[90] <Notice>: 2016-07-19 13:17:42 +0200 apsd[90]: Untrusted peer, closing connection immediately

Hi jnc84,

How to get the log you posted above?

New to iOS development and thanks very much for your help.


Hi - we are expieriecing the same problem... No device registration.

At the site the APNS Sandbox is working, but here the delegate is not called.

We have the same problem too.

Exactly the same issue. Still not even showing up on status page.

Sandbox APNS is down ?