Dear Apple support team,
I have some questions for you about this topic: I'm designing an app that need to send a notification like a classic clock alarm timer to the user, let's say each and every 25 minutes of cellphone usage, ofc only if the device is being used. The thing is that when my app is put to background, then Apple will shut it down after 30-60secs.
I was thinking to send a silent push notification to my app just so I can wake it up for an instant just so it can shoot a local notification, and then keep in the background totally inactive. That means I'll have to send to my app around 3 silent push notifications x hour. Do you think it is a problem for you? or it's ok to do that? Let me know your experience on this matters,
Thanks a lot for your time, A.
User Notifications
RSS for tagPush user-facing notifications to the user's device from a server or generate them locally from your app using User Notifications.
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Good morning fellow developers,
For a while i am struggeling with providing sound to my users on IOS (Safari on Mac is no problem and every other device is not a problem) (we have an existing phone system and made a chat as well), the case is very simple: the notification sound is only for users who are logged in and online for chat.
i have tried multiple things:
Audio play with javascript (start with mute, play when user clicks a button so the sound is familiar, play when user clicks a button and directly pause it and continue when needed)
PWA: the dashboard has been made available as pwa and notifications using google firebase. The popup does show for notifcations to be allowed (and receiving the notifications does work on any other device) But any IOS device cannot register.
The information i find is that notifications were supported with 16.4 or higher but also have been deprecated around IOS 17, auto play is not allowed.
We have an app in development for our product as well were we will have a notification which will handle this, but that is not the solution we can use now.
Long story, short question: is it still somehow possible to push a notification to the user when using the PWA or play a sound in the browser (based on an ajax function). The app/website wont be in the background, so it will always be on the screen.
Languages we use: html/javascript (mostly vanilla)/php
Hello, I'm from Microsoft team maintaining push notification api behind Teams platform.
We are experiencing strange and short error spikes towards APNS that seem to mostly correlate worldwide. We checked the networking and push request code but could not find what could be causing this. These error spikes are all timeouts or connection resets (by remote host, ie. APNS servers) and seem to come and go randomly:
Would it be possible to check this for outages or some other metrics on your side or investigate why would it happen? Since it's worldwide it seems unlikely it's something broken on our side. We are using the standard APNS http2 endpoint with modern support for all RFC features (so everything should work normally).
Mind you, our api might be in a unique position because of the volume of notifications (in the billions per day).
I'm strugling about the way how to code notifications for my weather aplication. I use data from my server that receives weather changing values from my own weather station and want to notify user of my app when eg strong wind will **** or temperature go under eg 3℃ etc.
The weather station has 8 sensors so there is sometimes a lot of data changing in particular minute that i set to parse data from server and notify user about it. But the notifications only works only when app is on and couple minutes after locking display.
So please what could i use strategy for the app to works even when the app sleeps ?
App & System Services
Notification Center
User Notifications
I am trying to retrieve delivered notifications using UNUserNotificationCenter.getDeliveredNotifications(completionHandler:), but I have encountered an issue:
Notifications triggered by UNTimeIntervalNotificationTrigger or UNCalendarNotificationTrigger appear in the delivered list.
However, notifications triggered by UNLocationNotificationTrigger do not appear in the list.
Here is the code I use to fetch delivered notifications:
UNUserNotificationCenter.current().getDeliveredNotifications { notifications in
for notification in notifications {
print("Received notification: \(notification.request.identifier)")
The notification is scheduled as follows:
let center = UNUserNotificationCenter.current()
let content = UNMutableNotificationContent()
content.title = "Test Notification"
content.body = "This is a location-based notification."
content.sound = .default
let coordinate = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 37.7749, longitude: -122.4194) // Example coordinates
let region = CLCircularRegion(center: coordinate, radius: 100, identifier: "TestRegion")
region.notifyOnEntry = true
region.notifyOnExit = false
let trigger = UNLocationNotificationTrigger(region: region, repeats: false)
let request = UNNotificationRequest(identifier: "LocationTest", content: content, trigger: trigger)
center.add(request) { error in
if let error = error {
print("Error adding notification: \(error.localizedDescription)")
Why does getDeliveredNotifications not return notifications that were triggered using UNLocationNotificationTrigger?
How can I retrieve such notifications after they have been delivered?
when I implementation the UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate
func userNotificationCenter(_ center: UNUserNotificationCenter, didReceive response: UNNotificationResponse, withCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping () -> Void) {
var status = ""
if (UIApplication.shared.applicationState == .active) {
status = "active"
} else if (UIApplication.shared.applicationState == .background) {
status = "background"
} else if (UIApplication.shared.applicationState == .inactive) {
status = "inactive"
I find that UIApplication.shared.applicationState == .background this case can not execute when application is in background。
why applicationState is inactive not background?
Hi, I am developing the Click & Read web add-on for Chromium, Firefox and Safari. We use xcrun safari-web-extension-converter tool to generate the Safari add-on, with up-to-date MacBook MacOS, Xcode et Safari : Sequoia 15.3.2, Safari Version 18.3.1 (20620., XCode Version 16.0 (16A242d).
We have updated our addon to Manifest v3, having the Background script as Server Worker
"background": {
"service_worker": "background.js",
"type": "module"
self.addEventListener("activate", (event) => {"Service Worker activated", event);
userVisibleOnly: true,
applicationServerKey: urlBase64ToUint8Array(
.then(async (subscription) => {"[Service Worker] Extension is subscribed to push");
const { subscription: savedSubscription } =
await getLocalStorageKeyData("subscription");
if (savedSubscription)
url: `${API_SERVER_URL}/subscription/remove/${savedSubscription.keys.auth}`,
}); // Remove previous subscription from server on addon activate{
subscription: subscription.toJSON(),
}); // Save subscription in local storage
); // Set uninstall URL to remove notification subscription on addon uninstall
url: `${API_SERVER_URL}/subscription`,
reqInit: {
body: JSON.stringify(subscription.toJSON()),
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
.catch((error) => {
console.error("Push subscribe error: ", error);
}) // Subscribe to push notifications
When trying to subscribe the addon instance to our Push server, we get this error : Push subscribe error: NotAllowedError: User denied push permission
Our NodeJS backend is using the web-push librabry : to save subscriptions and make notifications push.
By looking for same errors on forums, the best hint I found is that it could be related to the testing is done on localhost (addon is built from XCode onto Safari, and Push server is running on localhost).
Thanks for your help !
Hello guys,
We have updated our app icon, and it is correctly reflected in our app build and assets. However, the push notification icon is still displaying the old version for some users.
✅ We have verified that:
All icon assets in Assets.xcassets match the new icon.
The app icon has been updated in Info.plist.
The app has been resubmitted and approved on the App Store.
❌ However, some users still see the old notification icon, even after reinstalling the app. Restarting the device does not always resolve the issue.
Could you provide insights into how iOS caches notification icons and how we can force a refresh for all users?
The system calendar when showing a calendar event shows a relative timestamp on the notification versus all other apps which have a timestamp of when the notification was sent.
Is there a way to set the timestamp to be relative? I am currently working on a calendar app and we should be able to use the same system that apple uses for its own calendar.
Post about this on stack overflow from someone else a few years ago
I’ve developed the Pro Talkie app—a walkie-talkie solution designed to keep you connected with family and friends
App Store:
Play Store:
While the app works flawlessly on Android and in the foreground on iOS, I’m facing issues with establishing connections when the app is in the background or terminated on iOS.
Specifically, I’ve attempted the following:
Silent pushes and alert payloads: These are intended to wake the app in the background, but they often fail—notifications may not be received or can be delayed by 20–30 minutes, leading to a poor user experience.
VoIP pushes: These reliably wake the app, but they trigger the incoming call UI, which isn’t suitable for a walkie-talkie app that should connect directly without displaying a call screen.
I’ve enabled all the necessary background modes (audio, remote notifications, VoIP, background fetch, processing), but the challenge remains.
How can I ensure a consistent background connection on iOS without triggering the call UI?
Accessibility & Inclusion
User Notifications
Push To Talk
Good morning all!
We are facing a specific case dealing with push notifications to iOS devices.
In my scenario:
I turn off my device's internet
Send multiple push notifications via server using Firebase.
I turned ON my device's internet again.
I only see the last push notification I sent.
This is an expected scenario?
There is any documentation that supports this statement?
Thank you all!
App & System Services
App Store Server Notifications
Notification Center
User Notifications
I invoked the getNotificationSettingsWithCompletionHandler method of UNUserNotificationCenter on multiple test devices. After dismissing the notification permission request dialog (without explicit denial), the returned UNNotificationSettings object showed inconsistent authorizationStatus values across OS versions:
**iOS 18: Returns UNAuthorizationStatusNotDetermined
iOS 14.2:** Returns UNAuthorizationStatusDenied
Where can I find official Apple documentation explaining this behavioral discrepancy between system versions?
I’m experiencing an issue where Siri incorrectly announces currency values in notifications. Instead of reading the local currency correctly, it always reads amounts as US dollars.
Issue details:
My iPhone is set to Region: Chile and Language: Spanish (Chile).
In Chile, the currency symbol $ represents Chilean Pesos (CLP), not US dollars.
A notification with the text:
let content = UNMutableNotificationContent()
content.body = "¡Has recibido un pago por $5.000!"
is read aloud by Siri as:
”¡Has recibido un pago por 5.000 dólares!”
(English: “You have received a payment of five thousand dollars!”)
instead of the correct:
”¡Has recibido un pago por 5.000 pesos!”
(English: “You have received a payment of five thousand pesos!”)
Another developer already reported the same issue back in 2023, and it remains unresolved:
This incorrect behavior is not limited to iOS notifications; it also occurs in other Apple services:
watchOS, iPadOS, and macOS (Siri misreads currency values in various system interactions).
Siri’s currency conversion feature misinterprets $ as USD even when the device is set to a region where $ represents a different currency.
Announce Notifications on AirPods also exhibits this issue, making it confusing when Siri announces transaction amounts incorrectly.
Apple Intelligence interactions are also affected—for example, asking Siri to “read my latest emails” when one of them contains a monetary value results in Siri misreading the currency.
I have submitted a bug report via Feedback Assistant, and the Feedback ID is FB16561348.
This issue significantly impacts accessibility and localization for users in regions where the currency symbol $ is not associated with US dollars.
Has anyone found a workaround, or is there any update from Apple on this?
Accessibility & Inclusion
Siri and Voice
User Notifications
Apple Intelligence
According to the Apple notification alert received in October 2024, the APNS server certificate update for production is scheduled for February 24, 2025.
Has this change been implemented, or is there a platform or method to verify whether this update has been applied in production?
If so, where can we check this?"
I am implementing flutter_callkit_incoming for handling call notifications in my Flutter app. However, I am facing an issue where VoIP push notifications are not consistently received when the app is in the background or terminated.
According to Apple’s documentation:
"On iOS 13.0 and later, if you fail to report a call to CallKit, the system will terminate your app. Repeatedly failing to report calls may cause the system to stop delivering any more VoIP push notifications to your app."
I have followed the official installation guide: flutter_callkit_incoming installation and implemented all necessary configurations. However, VoIP notifications sometimes get lost and do not deliver reliably.
Here is the payload I am using:
"notification": { "title": "New Alert", "body": "@H is calling you..." },
"android": {
"notification": {
"channelId": "channel_id",
"sound": "sound_name.mp3"
"apns": { "payload": { "aps": {} } },
"data": {
"title": "New Call",
"body": "@H is calling you...",
"notificationType": "CALL",
"sound": "sound_name"
"token": "token"
I expect the call notification to appear even when the app is in the background or killed state. Has anyone encountered this issue and found a solution? Any insights would be greatly appreciated.
I noticed the time sensitive entitlement says it's only for iOS and macOS. But without the entitlement, the time sensitive toggle doesn't show in my app's notification settings on visionOS.
When I archive my visionOS app for App Store Connect, the entitlement seems to be taken out as it doesn't show in my entitlement list for the build in App Store Connect.
I'm confused at this point if the entitlement is really necessary, since it seems to be needed to debug on the simulator at least. I don't have a physical device to test it on unfortunately.
How can NEPacketTunnelProvider launch the companion application, or notify user to launch the application?
I have built an iOS VPN that uses credentials stored in the keychain, and it works as expected. Now I'm trying to add OAuth login support.
Everything works fine at first. I login from the companion application, store tokens in the keychain, then launch the VPN from either System Settings or the companion application.
However, when the OAuth refresh tokens expire, or the OAuth IdP otherwise requires login, I can't perform the OAuth login from the NEPacketTunnelProvider. Login must happen from the companion application, which likely isn't running. I need the NEPacketTunnelProvider to either launch the companion application directly or to notify the user to do so.
Searching and reading docs yields:
You can't perform OAuth login from within the NEPacketTunnelProvider because it requires user interaction
There is no way to guarantee that the companion application is running on iOS (otherwise one would use NEVPNStatusDidChange)
You can't launch the companion application from NEPacketTunnelProvider using a custom URL because of security concerns
You might be able to launch the companion application from a system extension...
Some sources say you still can't guarantee that the system extension is loaded whenever the NEPacketTunnelProvider needs it anyway.
Of course, any of these conclusions could be wrong.
At this point I'm not sure where to begin. Is there another approach that could be initiated by the NEPacketTunnelProvider (push notifications, system notifications, smoke signals)?
Any help would be appreciated.
Bill Welch
App & System Services
Network Extension
User Notifications
What timezone is used in the CloudKit Push Notification reporting? Meaning, when I see 1,000 Sent Push Notifications on 2/18, is that 2025-02-18 00:00 through 2025-02-18 23:59 PST? EST? UTC?
The metrics shown in [the CloudKit Push Notification reporting] are not lining up with stats from my marketing system, and I'm trying to diagnose.
Also, is there a way to see DELIVERIES or just SENT? I'm looking to learn more about why a Notification would be Sent but not received by the user.
Thank you!
Hello Apple Developer Team,
Based on the mandate to update the APNs certificate by February 24, 2025 for certificate-based authentication, a question from the team has been brought up that maybe Apple or the community can help answer. Since our implementation uses token-based authentication, I’m seeking clarification on a couple of points:
1. Does the certificate update affect token-based connections at all?
2. What is the rationale behind updating certificates for certificate-based authentication, and are there any implications or benefits for developers using token-based authentication?
Understanding these details will help us ensure our system remains compliant and optimally configured. Any guidance or further clarification you can provide would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you!
Does iOS provide a callback when a notification is manually removed from the notification tray ?