Unable to validate your application

Hello everyone!

I ran into a problem when trying to validate my app for TestFlight submission, I'm now trying to solve this problem since a couple of weeks and I can't find a solution.

I've archived my app successfully. After trying to validate my app in the "Organizer" in Xcode 7.3.1 I'm getting the following error message:

Unable to validate your application.
The archive is invalid. /var/folders/......./Packages/App.ipa does not exist.

I've checked the "include bitcode" and "symlinks" checkboxes.

When I'm unchecking the "include bitcode" checkbox, the validation process seems to work but the upload fails with the following message:

ERROR ITMS-90167:"No .app bundles found in the package"

PS I'm using macOS Sierra 10.12 Beta (16A254g)

How can I fix this issue?

Thanks in advance

I am having the same issue -

Unchecking the 'include bitcode' box is seemingly a workaround. The application can be successfully uploaded to itunes connect. But - compatibility with older devices (iphone 5) is broken.

any new update, I have same issue

Unable to validate your application