how will apple , pay the developers?


I've decided to become a developer for apple products,

i need to know how will apple pay the developers?

what bank accounts does apple support to pay us , if my app has been sold?

should it be a specific account in a specific bank ?

or i can use my own bank account ?

thank you.


They deposit into whatever account you tell them to. As an individual developer typically that would be your own bank account. Or you could set up a separate one if you want to keep app development finances separate from your personal finances. Your choice.

However I would worry about producing a quality app that people actually want to pay for first 🙂 A lot of things have to go right before you have to think about getting paid...


Can you please tell, can it be any bank account or it has to be U.S. bank account?

Can they make a withdrawal to Estonian bank account?


if you sell paid apps, Apple will pay you 70% of your sales

Can you pls answer me, if i distribute free apps, how much apple will pay me, if apps is diped by ads? Thank you

Please do not hijack other peoples threads. The answer to your question is in the iAd documentation and

in the contract you agree to when adding iAd support to your membership and apps. The short answer is

percentages of pennies. If your app has many thousands of users and some of those users click on the

ad banner, you will earn a few dollars. If none of them click on the ads you will earn little or nothing at all

from ads.

To the original poster's question:

You can use any bank Apple lists in their list of countries and banks they can work with. If your country

or bank is not in the list, you will need to aquire an account in a bank that IS in the list. As for what you

will be paid, all sales are split 70/30 (AFTER applicable taxes/tarrifs). Apple gets 30 percent (pre tax/tarrif)

you get what's left.