App built with Xcode 8 beta 6 crashes on iOS 8

When I build my app with Xcode 8 (beta 6) and run it on an iOS 8.x device OR simulator, I get strange EXC_BAD_ACCESS crashes during app startup or a few seconds after the app launched. The crash always happens in a different spot (adding a subview, [UIImage imageNamed:], app delegate's main method etc). I don't get those crashes when I run it on iOS 9 or 10 and I don't get them when I **build** with Xcode 7 and run on iOS 8. I know this is a long shot, but has anyone else experiences something similar? Is this a known issue with Xcode 8?

Thank you very much!

- Johannes

Same issue here, everything works fine with Xcode 7..:(

No longer meet this issue after XCode 8.1, I am using XCode 8.2 beta 2 now.

Make sure not to have any 16 bit or 24 bit images in your resource folders. For me it worked fine in simulator and when debugging on iOS9.0. However, the binary crashes in production! Serious XCode bug! Deleting the offending image fixes the binary, but waiting for approval of the new version is no fun.

App built with Xcode 8 beta 6 crashes on iOS 8