Xcode 8 GM seed Storyboard issue

Hi there,

I've tried XCode 8 GM seed and I've found out a serious issue in the Storyboard, either you use Auto Layout or disable it, Xcode 8 messes up with a UIView included into a UIScrollView, as shown here:



The wired thing is that if I resize that embedded UIView into the ScrollView, quit Xcode and open my project again, that UIView gets bigger again, with no sense, all the times.

Have you encountered the same issue?

Do you think Apple fix it with the Official release ofr XCode 8?



Than you so much!!!

I am running into the same issue with an open source tvOS app I am working on. Somehow many of the views seem to be moved up and to the left. 😕

Here is an image demonstrating the issue

Additionally the tvOS focus engine does not seem to be able to focus the buttons anymore.

Filed radar 28354863 (cancelled / closed it)

Same problem here, XCode 8 unusable to edit my existing storyboard. My temporary solution is to use XCode 7, and when I want to test on an iOS10 device, I open the project with XCode 8 (WITHOUT opening the storyboard), and run the app with it.

It's also usefull to save the project before opening with XCode 8, to be able to revert any change made by XCode 8 !

Xcode 8.1 Beta same issue!!!

After doing some more extensive digging it appears that all those issues are related to Autolayout in Xcode 8 handeling the constraints differently than Xcode 7. After updated most of the views and resetting the constrains the views are looking good now.

There was another issue I noticed though. I am using a lot of collection views with an image view in the cells, and the image is fetched online and resized based on the image view's size. As it turns out, when a view is loaded in Xcode 8 the image view's size is always 1000x1000 even though in IB it is (for example) set to 375x211 (1920:1080). This causes image initally to be resized to 1000x1000 and then used in the image view which by then is sized to 375x211 causing the image look stretched.

For now I fixed it by hardcoding the image dimensions in code for the different collection view cells, which is not ideal but it works. Hopefully that will be fixed in subsequent Xcode releases...

Yes, Xcode 8.1 Beta don't solve interface builder problems 😟

Hello gbtommasi,

Can you please provide me procedure how to run application on iOS 10 from xcode 7?

This is really useful for me.

Same issue here. Even in completely new Swift 3 App created from scratch in Xcode 8 GM. I've found more bugs in Xcode 8 but this one is super annoying. 😟

Hoping to help anyone having this issue, here is what Apple replied to the bug I opened. I could not reply them as of today, but i will try to do it asap:

We need more information to investigate this issue. Thank you for reporting the issue. The provided frame text for before/after update frames look correct for Xcode 8. Once misplacement for constrained views is fixed, we do not save out the frames to the storyboard so we can minimize on diffs when switching devices using the device bar in the Interface Builder canvas. As for the unexpected runtime results, would you know if there are any subviews that are being programmatically repositioned in code before initial layout? Would you be able to provide either a sample app or storyboard to help us analyze this issue further? thanks! Please provide your response or results by updating your bug report.

Now, for the views that are screwed up, I am only doing two thigngs: rounding the edges of an imageview frame to create a round image, and adding a tap gesture recognizer to other image views. Nothing else happens in my code that touches these components

I had filed similar issue (28342777) and got similar reply. I provided them with a sample project and now the issue has been marked as duplicate of 28221021. Hope it will be resolved soon.

When you open the story board, chose the "File Inspector". Under the section entitled "Interface Builder Document", there is an "Opens in" option. It defaults to "Latest Xcode (8.0)". From the drop down, change it to "Xcode 7.x".

It will ask you to save and re-open the storyboard. You will lose any of the 8.0 IB features, but will allow you to migrate on your own timeframe.

Note: You have to convert all storyboards to the same version, or it won't stick.



Same problems with xCode 8 and 8.1 Beta.

I'm seeing the same issue in Xcode 8...extremely annoying. Next time I should remind myself to NOT jump to these new releases this quick. Cmon Apple.

If you haven't discovered it already, this is fixed as of Xcode 8.1 Beta 2.