Widget on HomeScreen to enhancing app's daily tasks module

My app has some daily tasks for users: post new thread, like a post, visit n' send, etc.

I'm very excited to see the widgets that can be placed on the home screen in iOS 14.

It gotta a new entrance for user to access the app!

here's my question:
  1. Animation support? Some pan/zoom animation need to make this whole UI affective and vivid, I think.

  2. WidgetKit currently is beta and iOS 14 is beta also. Can I made this new widget to customers, or greyscale allowed?


3. WidgetKit supports size-adjustable Widget(more than 3). Is it support showing two or more difference size of same Widget at the same time?

Animations and pan/zoom gesture do not work in widgets built with WidgetKits. Checkout https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2020/10028/, where what works and doesn't.