Behavior of .debug when app is running in the simulator

I logged a message of debug level, say like: logger.debug("debug level message")

When checking the log stream while app is running in the simulator, the Console App isn't able to capture the message of debug level, even though I clicked Include lnfo Messages and Include Debug Messages from the Action menu of the Console App.

But when app is running in a physical device, the Console App is able to capture the message of debug level.

Is this a bug?

Here is my dev environment:
1: macOS version: 10.15.5 (19F101)
2: Xcode version: 12.0 beta (12A6159) and 11.5 (11E608c)
3: Physical device: iPhone Xs, iOS 13.5.1
Thanks for reporting the issue. However, Xcode's console would be able to display debug messages from the simulators.
Behavior of .debug when app is running in the simulator