Amazon music keeps crashing

I have the iOS14 Beta installed on my iPhone 8, not sure if this is a beta problem or an Amazon problem but I can't play any music on there because it keeps crashing. Everytime I try to play music, it glitched out. Can you please help?
I'm having the same problem. I was trying to make a new apple music account, but every time I try to, it crashes
I have the same problem on iPad Pro. Luckily have not updated phone to beta yet

Forgot to mention mine is Amazon music app
Same, app keeps closing and it’s bugging me now. Currently on contact support with Amazon music
I have the same issue on ios14, let me know when there is a fix!
Keeps happening to me as well! Very frustrating since I don’t want to lose all my music by uninstalling the app_
is this the same reason yours is dying? looks like Apple is killing the app for high cpu usage

Event: cpu usage
Action taken: Process killed
CPU: 48 seconds cpu time over 48 seconds (100% cpu average), exceeding limit of 80% cpu over 60 seconds
CPU limit: 48s
Limit duration: 60s
CPU used: 48s
CPU duration: 48s
Duration: 48.05s
Duration Sampled: 45.88s
Steps: 26

Hardware model: iPhone11,8
Active cpus: 6
This is because Amazon Music checks for a Jailbreak when opened. Beta’s are flagged as jailbreaks and blocks it’s use. Only solution will be to revert back and wait for the official iOS, I’m afraid. Annoying, I know. Soz, Chris.
Had the same exact issue out of the blue on iOS 14, uninstalling and reinstalling the Amazon Music App fixed it for me

15.0.3 I’m having this issue with all apps, I notice there is a website In safari that has no space, yet cannot be erased . And I notice my x wife and her family will be close by when mine keeps crashing. So I fig they all are all working with the police and using dark web hacks because all have been arrested and let go. And I made the local thp office mad. So I fig it’s Uncle Sam or another intity that sent them, but 4 1/2 years of it seems a waste of time , so I fig they are line hackers, and it never happened until all the people from big city’s moved to our small town, East TN police don’t realize what they are sitting back letting happen. And if u go to apple Genius Bar and they get back in maybe you need watch your so called friends and what you allow them to hook to, js I know mine was accessed through my hotspot , eventually had to go get a new sim card

I can’t access the Amazon music library, I can play music perfectly fine but when I open the library to access my playlist, app crashes. I’m on IOS 14.3, can anyone help?

Amazon music keeps crashing