SwiftUI - Debug Preview not working in Xcode 12 beta 2?

Nothing prints to the console when I tap on a button, although the debugger will break on the print() lines. I've chosen Debug Preview rather than just Live Preview in the Canvas, and I've tried restarting Xcode. Before I file feedback, is anyone else seeing this?

Code Block struct ContentView: View {
    var body: some View {
        VStack(alignment: .leading){
            Button("One Fish"){
            Button("Two fish"){

Yes, I've noticed the same issue with Xcode 12 beta 2.
The break point works, but when I query objects using po, no response is returned.

Code Block
(lldb) po self 
(lldb) po datePickerView

Similar issue in Xcode 12 Beta 5 on MacOS 10.15.5: Breakpoints get hit, po returns responses, but print never seems to output anything.
I'm seeing the same problem
same issue in Xcode 12.0.1 . breakpoint hits but nothing is printed to console
Same issue to me. Xcode 12.1 , macOS 10.15.5
More or less the same thing, except the actions fail completely from the playground, but with preview on the device, I can hit breakpoints in the action, print out stuff to the console. Somewhat the same on the simulator, but not in the standard Preview pane.
Same issue
Xcode 12.1 , macOS 10.15.7
Same issue for me with 12.1 (12A7403)
Same issue as well, Xcode 12.1, Mac OS 10.15.6
Did anyone got the solution of this? Seems it is issue with Xcode 12 or may be there is some setting. Please reply if anyone has a solution for this. In my case preview of po print() at console is not working & also the breakpoints are also not working smoothly.
I have the same issue with XCode 12.3
Same issue with XCode 12.3 (12C33). At last I can "print" with debugger breakpoints.
happening for me too
Same issue here xCode 12.3, mac os 11.1, M1
This bug seems still to exist.
  • xcode 12.4,

  • mac os 11.2.1,

does anyone has a solution?
This bug seems still to exist.
Version 12.4 (12D4e)
mac os 11.2.3
Same issue:

Xcode 12.4
macOS 11.2.2
Apple M1
Same with Xcode 12.5.
Still seeing this issue like everyone else. Would love to see this fixed
The problem still exists on Xcode 12.5 (12E262)

Hi, I made it worked. For now you will have to click the Top Navigation bar in order to preview the PRINT in Console.

Check the Attached Screenshot.

Hi, I made it worked. For now you will have to click the Top Navigation bar in order to preview the PRINT in Console.

Check the Attached Screenshot.

title=Untitled Project.jpg;width=2618;height=1144

SwiftUI - Debug Preview not working in Xcode 12 beta 2?