Is macbook air 128gb,8gb ram is enough to develop ios app?

I am planning to buy macbook air for ios app development. Can anybody guide me.


My opinion is that 128GB SSD is not enough. On my system, Xcode 8 takes up 12.1 GB in the applications folder. If you want to have both the current release version of Xcode for submitting apps to the store and the beta version of Xcode to get your apps ready for new versions of iOS, you would need double that. My Library/Developer folder is over 100 GB. Granted, that could probably be reduced quite a bit; I've been developing on this machine 4 years, and I'm sure I could delete a lot of stuff from the Library/Developer folder (such as old simulators I don't use and derived data that is automatically recreated if it is deleted). However, I think it wouldn't be too long before you'd have to start deleting things frequently to recover space. You always need some free space for normal operations of macOS, and if you use it for other things you're going to need space for all the other applications you'll want to install. Overall, I'd say the $200 extra for the 256 GB SSD is the smart choice, even though it is annoying because we all know it only costs Apple a few bucks extra.

EDIT: Don't forget you'll need space for your own files, espcially if you will have lots of photos and/or videos.

I'd not bother with that configuration. Double both for starters. Always max the ram and get twice as much HD as you think you need. Then add a backup. Then track your HD use and plan ahead as needed.

I have developed using a 11" Air of that configuration while I am travelling since 2012, and it has worked perfectly fine in that context. I've done iOS, OS X and even Windows! (via VMWare) development on it.

I would not want to use it as a full-time machine, mostly because the screen is too small for interface development. But as a small and light travelling machine it is great. The limited storage space has not been a problem, but I don't have anything else on the machine (no music, photos, etc.).

Similar comment.

I started XCode on MacBook Air 256 GB / 2 GB (only!), dating late 2010.

I have develop significant IOS App on it.

But now I notice :

- it's a bit slow (may be because code is larger and more recent versions of XCode require more resources)

- small screen is really cumbersome in many situations

- 128 would probably be a bit limited

>I started XCode on MacBook Air 256 GB / 2 GB (only!), dating late 2010.

Those were the days, eh?

I had 250gb ~ 4gb on a mac mini in 2009...lived large. 8 GB ram today is borderline... I get nervous when the free space on my 3 TB boot drive falls below 250 gb - 16 gb ram feels like barely enough just to open the doors. I've tried working on small/single monitors...meh. Nothing like large dual LCDs to cure that issue 😉.

Selling apps buys me more hardware to sell more apps to buy more hardware - it's a wonderful thing.