VNRecognizeTextRequest doesn't recognize Dansk language "da-DK"


VNRecognizeTextRequest doesn't recognize special characters of Dansk language like Æ, æ, Ø, ø, Å ,å ,ß

It replace these words with Æ to AE, Ø to 0,O, Å to A and so on.

Does vision or vision kit support Dansk language?
Accepted Answer
I think these are the currently supported languages (in iOS 14):

Code Block
[ "en-US" , "fr-FR" , "it-IT" , "de-DE" , "es-ES" , "pt-BR" , "zh-Hans" , "zh-Hant" ]

Dansk isn't on there -- the most similar would probably be "de-DE" (German). And in iOS 13, the only supported language is "en-US". Check out this blog (it's in Japanese but you can use Google Translate)

Thanks @ahzzheng.
VNRecognizeTextRequest doesn't recognize Dansk language "da-DK"