Apple Wallet geofencing notification


I'm new to wallet, but I already implemented a Loyalty Pass with some use cases: distributing, pushing updates, standard notifications, geofencing notifications with lock screen notifications.

Until a month ago, all worked flawlessy, but now the majority of my audience (the users that have installed the pass in their Apple Wallet) don't see the notifications when they enter in the location radius. The strange thing is that with the same json content (same id, same locations list, same coordinates) some users see said notification without a hassle while the other see nothing, even toggling on and off all the related permissions.

I suspect (only a suspect, I'm going by exclusion) that the new device subscriptions are those who don't see the notifications and only the old ones see everything as before.

Any suggestion? Do a users dashboard (or at least a device subscription list) exist in my Apple Developer portal? Is a known bug, already reported?

Thanks for all your replies

Hi! I am interested in learning more about local targeting through the Apple Wallet. If you are willing to chat, then please respond.

Apple Wallet geofencing notification