App Clip Smart App Banner not showing on iOS 14 release version

I've followed all the instructions on Apple's Documentation on getting App Clips setup.

But I can't seem to figure out how to get the Smart App Banner to show for an App Clip.
  1. I've added the associated domains entitlement to my app and app clip.

  2. I've updated my webserver to have the proper apple-app-site-association file.

  3. I've updated my bundle IDs to enable Associated Domains.

  4. I've added the meta tag: <meta name="apple-itunes-app" content="app-id=xxxxxxxxx,"> to all web pages.

  5. I've gone into Developer -> "Local Experience" settings to add my domain and bundle

I can:
  • Go direct to the App Clip "App" by debugging

  • When App (and not the App Clip) is installed, I can see Smart App Banner to open the app. However I do not see Smart App Banner when I delete the app and install the App Clip either through Xcode or TestFlight.

  • Open App Clip via QR code reader.

Everything with App Clips seem to work fine EXCEPT the App Clip Safari App Banner showing on the website. This is all on iOS 14 and Xcode 12 release builds.

Are you guys able to get Smart App Banners to work for your App Clip on the latest iOS 14 release version?
What am I missing?


Accepted Reply

The Smart App Banner for app clips in Safari will only be displayed when the app clip is published.


Do App Clip Smart App Banners only work when the app is published? Or should it work when uploaded via TestFlight?
As far as I recall from the beta period, these banners did not show up until the app is published.

The LocalExperiences feature is for consuming QR codes and NFC tags that represent an "Advanced Experience", though they do not require any app store connect interactions to get running.
The Smart App Banner for app clips in Safari will only be displayed when the app clip is published.
Thank you Apple for the update! That makes sense... It would be great to have this little detail added to the developer documentation in order to reduce wasted time in trying to get it to work in a dev environment :).

When App (and not the App Clip) is installed, I can see Smart App Banner to open the app.

I am not able to see the SAB in this case.
@alexn_th wondering how you got that working?