Xcode 12.0.1 won't download watchOS 7.0.1 symbols

Trying to install an app to my Apple Watch, I see:
"Unavailable device (no symbols for paired Apple Watch)"

"No debugging symbols are available for the OS version installed on Rob's Apple Watch.
Verify that your internet connection is functional, then disconnect and reconnect the companion device to retry downloading symbols."

Disconnecting and reconnecting the companion device, I see:
"Installing symbols for watchOS 7.0.1 (18R395)"

This does not fix the issue

Window > Devices and Simulators
"Could not download and install Symbols for watchOS 7.0.1 (18R395). Failed to download package from ADC"
"There are no valid accounts registered with Xcode that have the ability to access this resource."

Xcode > Preferences > Accounts
All seems to be correct

Xcode 12.0.1, macOS 10.15.7, iOS 14.0.1, watchOS 7.0.1

Is anyone else seeing this?
Answered by App Store Connect Engineer in 639732022
Thank you for letting us know. This issue is now resolved and we apologize for any inconvenience.
Yes, same issues. Rebooted watch, Mac, Xcode but to no avail. I see my developer account details in the Xcode Preferences. I'll contact developer support.

Got the following from macOS logs when looking at process Xcode log entries:

Code Block URLSession vianmääritys 16:19:56.609139+0300 com.apple.AssetCacheServices Xcode URLSession:<NSURLSessionLocal: 0x7fd38951eb60> task:<NSCFLocalDataTask: 0x7fd38951f190> { LocalDataTask <BDD34306-41C0-42C1-94E7-9CDA974066A9>.<1> } didFinishCollectingMetrics:(Task Interval) <_NSConcreteDateInterval: 0x7fd3a0a749a0> (Start Date) 2020-09-26 13:19:56 +0000 + (Duration) 0.230547 seconds = (End Date) 2020-09-26 13:19:56 +0000
(Redirect Count) 0
(Transaction Metrics) (Request) {"object":"<NSURLRequest 0x7fd39fce6f10>","url":"https:\/\/devimages-cdn.apple.com\/downloads\/xcode\/dsc\/Watch4_2_18R395.dmg"}
(Response) <NSHTTPURLResponse: 0x7fd3892bcf50> { URL: https://devimages-cdn.apple.com/downloads/xcode/dsc/Watch4_2_18R395.dmg } { Status Code: 403, Headers {
self=<ACSURLSession: 0x7fd389ada4d0> { canUseCachingServer: 1, phase: valid, session: <NSURLSessionLocal: 0x7fd38951eb60>, delegate: 0x7fd3998df040, tasks: (0x7fd38951ea20) }
oletus 16:19:56.611135+0300 Xcode DVTDownloadable: Download Failed. Downloadable: https://devimages-cdn.apple.com/downloads/xcode/dsc/Watch4_2_18R395.dmg. Error Domain=DataWritingACSURLSessionDelegate Code=1 "Failed with HTTP status 403: forbidden" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Failed with HTTP status 403: forbidden, NSHTTPURLResponse=<NSHTTPURLResponse: 0x7fd38943ce70> { URL: https://devimages-cdn.apple.com/downloads/xcode/dsc/Watch4_2_18R395.dmg } { Status Code: 403, Headers {
"no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate"
oletus 16:19:59.713998+0300 Xcode iPhoneSupport: Unable to cache symbols for <DVTProxiediOSDevice: 0x7fd389b0a930> device (Error Domain=DVTDownloadableErrors Code=-1 "Could not download and install Symbols for watchOS 7.0.1 (18R395). Failed to download package from ADC." UserInfo={NSUnderlyingError=0x7fd3998e22f0 {Error Domain=DataWritingACSURLSessionDelegate Code=1 "***.***@gmail.com does not have access to Symbols for watchOS 7.0.1 (18R395)." UserInfo={NSRecoveryAttempter=<_DVTErrorRecoveryHandler: 0x7fd399a08c50>, NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=Contact Apple Developer Program Support to resolve account access issues., NSLocalizedDescription=***.xxxx@gmail.com does not have access to Symbols for watchOS 7.0.1 (18R395)., DVTRecoveryBlockKey=<NSMallocBlock__: 0x7fd3998f0070>, NSLocalizedRecoveryOptions=(
), NSHTTPURLResponse=<NSHTTPURLResponse: 0x7fd389a6d150> { URL: https://download.developer.apple.com/Developer_Tools/watchOS_18R395/Watch4_2_18R395.dmg } { Status Code: 403<…>

I am facing the same problem.
Same issue
Well it started working later after I posted my reply. Don't know what was the issue.
I'm seeing the same with Xcode 12.0.1.

I'm unable to download watchOS 7.0.1 symbols.

I'm also unable to prep devices running iOS/iPadOS 14.0.1 for development, and I'm unable to get a list of simulators in the Components pref pane.

All of these issues stem from download.developer.apple.com rejecting my dev credentials.

My account is in good standing, so this is either an issue with Xcode 12.0.1 or with Apple servers.

I've filed feedback: FB8748190
Any updates? I have the same issue too!
Update 2: Deleting cache only worked temporarily after removing adding devices. I'm giving up, I think we'll need to wait for Apple to solve.

Update 1: I attempted to delete any Xcode (e.g. com.apple.dt.Xcode) folders/files in the caches folder ~/Library/Caches. I can build again to my watch, for now

Same here. It briefly worked shutting down both phone and watch, removing the phone from the list of paired devices, removing my ADC account and then re-adding, booting everything up. I was able to debug on the watch, then something happened and it went back to being broken. I haven't bothered again since then.

Same issue here. I also see "Installing symbols for watchOS 7.0.1 (18R395)" when launching Xcode, but my watch app development is now at a standstill because of this issue. Seems pretty basic that Apple QA would check if Xcode can install on a watch after all of the major updates and the emergency updates (e.g. Xcode crashing trying to open documentation).

I used one of my annual tickets to ask code support for a resolution. We'll see how long this issue sticks around.
A workaround is to duplicate the 7.0 symbols and rename them to 7.0.1

Go to Library/Developer/Xcode/WatchOS DeviceSupport and find the 7.0 symbol entry -- mine is "Watch5,2 7.0 (18R382)" and duplicate it and rename it to "Watch5,2 7.0.1 (18R395)" Your entry may be different depending on your watch model.

I'm guessing (based on other messages in this thread) that those clever folks at Apple didn't set the appropriate permissions on the 7.0.1 symbol resource. It doesn't have anything to do with your account status (mine is fine).
Same here!
Just adding that I have the same issue. And that nickredding's workaround does the trick for me too.
Same issue here ... been driving me nuts for days. I just quit Xcode and retry. Also reboot watch and phone but most consistent is to just quit Xcode and try again. Sometimes works mostly does not. Also helps if you make some arbitrary change to the scheme and try again.

Will try nickredding's solution but this is seriously frustrating.

time passes ... (no its not the Hobbit -)

Yeeeeee - thanks Nick - works for me too.
Also adding weight to this. Running Xcode beta 12.2 with a new Apple Watch 6.

Everything was working fine until new Watch OS 7.0.1 was installed. Now I get the same issue.

I cannot try nickreddings solution as I cannot find any WatchOS device support folder (likely because I did a fresh install of Xcode when I first got the error and it won’t have downloaded the old symbols).

Any help greatly appreciated!!


Could not download and install Symbols for watchOS 7.0.1 (18R395). Failed to download package from ADC.

Domain: DVTDownloadableErrors

Code: -1

Failure Reason: There are no valid accounts registered with Xcode that have the ability to access this resource.

Recovery Suggestion: Contact Apple Developer Program Support to resolve account access issues.
Also running into this issue.

nickredding's workaround fixed things for me.

Hoping for an Apple fix in the future so this workaround is not required.
Facing same issue.
@Mystiko, the watchOS device support folder is created when you first build for a watch, so it may not exist yet.
Try running your app on the watch Simulator... that should create the folder.
Hello, my friends,

Welcome to the club, please confer to:


No, it is not you, forget about this. Apple needs to do their homework, that is all.


At this moment, Xcode Version 12.2 beta (12B5018i)

See you ;-)
It's one thing for Apple to ***** up beta releases, it's quite another for them to ***** up official releases. WatchOS 7.0.1 is an official release that Xcode will not support because of this issue, and I find that totally unacceptable, especially because Apple is dragging its feet resolving this.

My ticket to developer support drew the predictable demand for sysdiagnose information, despite the fact that this thread (which I referenced) actually contains all the information they need to solve the issue. They were too lazy to even lookout this thread.

I'm still waiting for a response from developer support, three days later.
Apple has fixed this from their end (which was always where the problem was). I still don't have a response to my ticket. Pretty sad.
Apple replied to my Feedback Assistant report (after 10 days).
They asked for my Developer email address, "to locate the account in question".

Looking at "~LibraryDeveloper/Xcode/watchOS DeviceSupport" the entry for 7.0.1 is now there.
Trying again, I can install to my Apple Watch, so it is working.

What I don't know, is did they fix their back-end, or just tweak my account?
Accepted Answer
Thank you for letting us know. This issue is now resolved and we apologize for any inconvenience.
WatchOS 7.0.2 has been released and Xcode can’t download the symbol files!!

To the frameworks engineer who last replied to this thread: can someone put a yellow post it note on their monitor reminding them that making the symbol files available at the same time as a new release is not an optional “if I remember” type of task?

This is really quite unbelievable. Resolving the 7.0.1 issue took two weeks. Is everyone in watchOS development asleep at the wheel?
Unbelievable. Saw this earlier and now on watch 7.0.2!
Unfortunately I don't see any previous symbol file folders in ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/watchOS DeviceSupport unfortuntately to copy so nickreddings solution unfortunately doesn't work for me.
Xcode 12.0.1 won't download watchOS 7.0.1 symbols