Bootcamp windows can't see keyboard during installation or repair

I faced a strange issue a few days back. My bootcamp windows installation stopped working and rebooted with autorepair but with no keyboard input working. I tried internal macbook pro keyboard and external usb kyboard, nothing, looks like usb ports are not accessible for the windows system at all.

I've tried to create a new windows install usb stick through bootcamp assistant and repair the system from the usb stick. But when I booted with the installer, there was no keyboard access as well.

I have an assumption that apple has made some firmware update and it caused problems with devices drivers.

I found a similar topic on reddit but no posts in apple community though. So I created a new one and it was deleted because I'm using beta. But before it was deleted, there were about 3 posts from other users already, who reported similar issues with Catalina. So I have an assumption, that this is not only the beta related issue.

I have:
MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Late 2013)
With macOS Big Sur 11.0.1 Beta (20B5012d) installed
Code Block 		 I have the same problem. I have the same configuration in hardware and software that you. I think that is a firmware problem becase my	problem started when I change the SSD disk for a new one for test and install the new macOS Big Sur 11.0.1 Beta, then when I return to my old SSD disk with my bootcamp windows the Window not reconize the mouse and keyboard internal or external.
Looks like the issue was solved once I've updated on to the latest release candidate: 11.0.1 Beta (20B5022a)

Bootcamp windows can't see keyboard during installation or repair