Battery drain in ios 14.2

i updated my iphone 7+ to ios 14.2 and now i have battery drain problem and it takes long time to be charged and warmup during charging
Exact same problem as well, I have iPhone 7. I chatted with apple support and ultimately the advice was that more people need to complain to Apple so that they know it's an issue. They don't really read these forums. The engineers work on issues that are communicated to them by the Apple support people.
So everyone should go file a formal complaint!

Same here with my iPhone 11 Pro. I've read you should unlink your Apple Watch, create a backup and restore iOS... ***?!

I have had the same battery instability issue since updating to latest iOS operating system. The problem caused battery to flatten in minutes. Apple apparently need more people to complain before they will acknowledge that it is their problem........

For those apple users who are as frustrated as me by this bug, I have fixed mine by going into settings, battery, and switching off the battery percentage indicator function. Since then my battery drain issue has stopped. My wife’s phone also had the same problem and the fix was used successfully again. This is something that apple need to deal with if they don’t wish to lose a lot of customers. Hope this relieves the misery for some of you others out there......shame on Apple for putting out IOS updates with such shoddy standards.

Richard, Plougonver, France.
I have the 6s and since upgrading to 14.2 (at the advice of apple support, I was on 13.6) the phone keeps shutting down completely without warning even though it was fully charged and there is a fully charged Apple OEM battery case attached. What is extremely frustrating is it would happen randomly. Plugging the phone in doesn't always bring it back to life immediately either. Battery health is over 90% as it was replaced at the end of the free replacement program. Went to the Genius Bar and the person told me I need a new phone which is b.s. in my opinion. It's a software issue that is causing the phone to shut down, giving false battery level readings sometimes, and sometimes completely draining the battery. I have paired down as many of the background updates, background apps to the bare minimum already. I'm very hesitant to upgrade to 14.3 as it doesn't look like it would solve the problem. Apple needs to own up that they have messed up again with older phones and the new iOS and get a fix out ASAP.

At this point I'm even hesitant to upgrade my iPad Pro's iOS from 13.6. In these economic times I can't afford to replace this phone now.

Someone at Apple needs to respond.
My wife’s iPhone 6s has had this problem since 14.3 and is still present in 14.4. The battery percentage will fluctuate wildly going from 90 percent to almost nothing. Sometimes the phone will shut down randomly with what appears to be a drained battery, but when plugged in will immediately show a charge level over 80 percent! Looking at the graph in the battery settings, it shows the level dropping immediately to zero, and then jumping back up to some higher level. This is an extremely frustrating problem and makes the phone just about unusable if not plugged in. The battery life indicator says 86 percent, so that doesn’t seem to be the issue. This phone isn’t even two years old yet, and the problem started suddenly last week. I can’t remember for sure, but I think it was after the update to 14.3. I sure hope a fix is found soon.
Not sure if this a ploy by Apple to get folks to upgrade their older phones, but I have the exact symptoms. Phone starts out at 100% charged. Works fine and around the 40 ~ 70 % charge range it will drop to < 10% in a couple of minutes. It will charge back up to over 50% in several minutes when plugged back in.

Started a v 14.3 and is exactly the same at 14.4 Phone is an 7 plus model. Never had a issue with iPhones until now.
Apple has regular issues with battery life. It's the first time over last years I start looking at Android phones. And one more thing: thanks, Tim, proceed with management this way, and you'll lost more customers than ever before.
I have the same problem too
it’s barely usable when I’m not home.
I have an iPad Pro 2016
it’s my first apple product, was so excited to have one
hope they fix the issue, seems like there’s plenty of people having this problem.
I have an iPhone 11 with the same issue iOS 14.2 drains the battery charge
I registered just to reply to this..

iPhone 7 bought in 2018. Since 2018 original battery has expired and last miserable half a day, I replaced the battery myself (I'm a cell phone repair servicemen in Russia) - I used VIXION brand battery. This was in mid February 2021.

First 3 weeks battery life was magical, it would take me about 5 days of normal use to get the battery down to 20%. But then I picked up an iOS update and then another one. Presently iOS version is 14.4.2, so since I updated 2 times, that means iOS version when I changed battery was minus 2 versions.

Right now, I did this as experiment, if I charge 100% and disconnect charging cable at midnight and put the phone into silent and airplane mode, at 8 am the phone is 70% charged.

I knew the battery is good and can not go bad this quick. I thought something is up with the phone, perhaps planned obsolescence by Apple. So I go online and find this post.

You know what I think this is? This kind of battery usage for any prolonged amount of time would kill the battery on any phone. I believe this update was done on purpose so that batteries go bad. Batteries go bad people make money. Apple make money. I make money.

By the way, this is the last iPhone I'll be using. I don't even buy these phone, I get them for free, still no thank you. iPhone is not reliable.
Same, I just downloaded the new software 14. Yesterday, and I have a new battery from my 6s. I would go two days from not charging my phone. Now it’s every 15 mins. What is this crap?
I have an iPad Pro
and battery life is horrible now, at maximum brightness it drops 1% in less than a minute, making it barely usable outside.
not a good experience as my first apple product.

i just dont get it why apple keeps putting this small batteries on iphones saying they dont need a bigger battery because of ios optimization its crap my samsung with 3,300 mah battery lasted way longer way longer than my iphone xs

My iPhone SE (1st generation) has started draining fast since iOS 14. With iOS 15 it is not doing better. I suspect the drainage is worse the days after an update. According to the service center, the hardware is fine, and the 86% max capacity is still a good one.


Battery drain in ios 14.2