Big Sur Problem?: "You do not have permission to open the application"
Use this. It worked for me - codesign --force --deep --sign - /Applications/
It will try to force sign the app and give you permission to run it.
Thanks @SridharRaj this fix worked for me. I had been digging for a fix for about 3 hours. Watched YouTube videos, ran utilities, changed permissions, enabled apps from anywhere et al but nothing worked. I am so very grateful. Thanks again.
Thanks @SridharRaj this worked for me too... You saved my time :-)
Just upgraded to Big Sur and have the same issue, but the codesign does not work. I get the xcrun error and not sure how to fix it.I have run this as the user, which fails, but also after sudo to root.As a standard user: user$ codesign --force --deep --sign - /Applications/HP\ Easy\ /Applications/HP Easy replacing existing signature xcrun: error: invalid active developer path (/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools), missing xcrun at: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/xcrun /Applications/HP Easy the codesign_allocate helper tool cannot be found or used In subcomponent: /Applications/HP Easy As root: root# codesign --force --deep --sign - /Applications/HP\ Easy\ /Applications/HP Easy replacing existing signature xcrun: error: invalid active developer path (/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools), missing xcrun at: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/xcrun /Applications/HP Easy the codesign_allocate helper tool cannot be found or used In subcomponent: /Applications/HP Easy
I have even tried as root on the HP Utilitiy app, but still have the same problem. root# codesign --force --deep --sign - /Applications/Hewlett-Packard/HP\ /Applications/Hewlett-Packard/HP replacing existing signature xcrun: error: invalid active developer path (/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools), missing xcrun at: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/xcrun /Applications/Hewlett-Packard/HP the codesign_allocate helper tool cannot be found or used In subcomponent: /Library/Printers/hp/Utilities/HP
Any advice?
This youtube video have the solution, its really easy, take a look
Tried everything here includes codesign but nothing works
sudo chmod -R 755
Had the same issue, (tried xattr -rd, sudo chmod, gatekeeper, etc, nothing worked).
All I wanted to do was access my print queue!
In the end deleting the old printer apps in the Library/Printers folder and then going into System Preferences and then double clicking on the printers (as bonkers as is sounds) reinstated the printers in a couple of seconds and I was able to access the print queue again.
Hope this is useful for others!
command+shift+G on desktop and then ~/Library/Preferences/ t o find your preference files ~/Library/Application Support/ for application support files ~/Library/Application Support/ CrashReporter/ for all the old crash reports ~/Library/Saved Application State/ to find saved app states
Brows for all files related to your app and delete, problem solved
thanks so much for this ! i will repost this for the problem I had with flume app
Thanks @SridharRaj, worked like a charm.
This worked for me , thanks
worked for me as well... thanks @SridharRaj
I found the solution here: -
This works:
Open Terminal or iTerm and type: sudo chmod -R 755 then drag the .app into the window, which will bring the full path into Terminal or iTerm. It will look like this: sudo chmod -R 755 Path\ to\ app\