Invalid '' entitlement value

Trying to validate an app for upload to mac app store. Using Big Sur, and Xcode 12.2

App will not validate. This is for an existing app I'm trying to update. It updated peffectly week just 2 weeks ago with Xocode 11.xx and Catalina. It was rejected a week ago for metadata concerns. I've corrected metadata concerns, and am trying to submit a new binary.

I've tried validating the same bundle with a diffreent app id, and everything goes prefectly and is validated.

Here is what the non-validation looks like:



Certificate: Apple Distribution (Expires 10/31/21)

Profile: Mac Team Store Provisioning Profile: com.XXXX.XXXX

Symbols: Included

Architectures: Intel 64-bit





  • ******

The result = Not Validated

Error message Xcode displayed.

Unable to process application at this time due to the following error: Invalid Provisioning Profile. The provisioning profile included in the bundle com.XXXX.XXXX [com.XXXX.XXXX.pkg/Payload/] is invalid. [Invalid '' entitlement value.] For more information, visit the macOS Developer Portal..

** end error message********

Any thoughts or suggestions???

Thanks in advance.


I have this exact problem. The Provisioning Profile shows as Xcode Managed and when you click on the i it shows Mac Team Store Provisioning Profile: com.XXXX.XXXX with the set which Organizer Validate objects to.

I have two other targets within the same project which don't use In-App Purchase. On those, the Provisioning Profile reads "None Required". So it really appears like Xcode is creating and adding the Provisioning Profile because it is required for IAP and then complaining that the Provisioning Profile it created is invalid. And I can't find where the Mac Team Store Provisioning Profile: com.XXXX.XXXX is to even see if I can edit it. (doesn't help the the window truncates the full name)

Did (or anyone else who happens by) figure a work-around? I running Xcode 12.4 and 11.2....

Same problem. No solution that I can see. Tried manually signing for validation and still not working. What a PITA! Anyone ever figure anything out?
  • Nobody, otherwise they would post it here. It is the same in Xcode 13.4 on Monterey 12.5 apparently Apple does not want us to develop on Mac. Whatever project I create entitlements inside project directory are empty file no keys at all I wonder why. I have appID generated on webpage the same as bundle identifier and nothing works. Even if during project creation you put id of your team as part of Organisation Identifier nothing helps.

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I have the same problem. But it was solved. The reason is the prefix of application-identifier is different from team-identifier. After I regenerated AppID in "Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles", the error did not occur.

Before Fix


After Fix


I hope this helps!

  • Thanks for sharing!

  • I had this issue Xcode 14.3.1 on macOS Ventura this week. I had the App Store team update my identifier to use my team Id as a prefix (it was old, before this was an option). Also I had to then regenerate my profile and go through and release it to the store by selecting Manual signing instead of automatic. Only then would it see the team id prefix in instead of the old prefix. Hopefully this helps someone!

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This solution no longer (August 2022) works as there is no place when you can manually set this entitlements. The only field is APP ID Prefix and I choose to set TEAM ID as option, other option are set of Characters I really can't recognise.

I’ll respond on the thread you created for your specific issue.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
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Thanks for the suggestions. I ended up creating a new identifier and profile, making sure to select an application bundle prefix that matched my team id.