iPhone 12 animation lag caused by RunningBoard?

Apologies if this isn't the right venue for this, but I figured the developers on here might have some insight.

I've been looking into a problem which I'm experiencing on my 12 Pro, and others have also reported: when closing apps, occasionally there's a stutter in the animation, like dropped frames. It seems to start occurring after I've opened many apps since my last restart. It's been an issue since launch, on iOS 14.1, 14.2, and now the 14.3 Public Beta 2. I've also tried reinstalling iOS and setting up as a new device, with no change.

Based on when I see it, my theory for the cause is basically: when you close an app, but the memory allocated for suspended apps is already full, the OS needs to clear out some of that memory, and there's a lag/stutter in the UI while it does this.

To test this out, I plugged my phone into my Mac, and pulled up the Console app to watch for error/fault messages in the iOS log. Almost every time I close an app and see this stutter, there are error messages from runningboardd (RunningBoard), such as the following:

Code Block
error 17:38:41.087985-0700 runningboardd RBSStateCapture remove item called for untracked item <RBProcessMonitorObserver| qos:0 qos:(null) configs:{

Such errors do not occur when an app closes smoothly with no stutter. It's not always the same error, but there's a pretty consistent correlation between seeing the stutter and seeing a runningboardd error.

Some light googling tells me that RunningBoard is a new-ish part of iOS used to track active processes.

Does anyone have more experience with RunningBoard errors, or has a good idea for further troubleshooting steps?
My feedback number is FB8892424.
I don't think I filed my report under App Switcher, but my feedback number is FB8886411.

Happy to do anything to help diagnose this bug - it's so incredibly annoying.
I have 2 feedback reports for this:

FB8903850 was submitted back in November when I was on the iOS Public Beta releases. This includes a screen recording and sysdiagnose.

FB8993381 I submitted today, running iOS 14.4 back on the general non-beta releases. This includes 2 screen recordings. I was not prompted to install a debug profile for sysdiagnose data, perhaps because I submitted this feedback through my laptop rather than my phone/app?
My feedback ID: FB8994096

I also attached a video of the stutter in it.
Same since day one with 12PM on 14.2 and on. In every iOS release. Ticket: FB8940870
I also have had this issue with my iPhone 12 Pro Max since day one (literally “day one” as pre-ordered, etc.). Eagerly updated every software update since, in the hope that it would be fixed but alas here we are at IOS 14.4 and it still has not been addressed. Yes, it’s not the worst problem to have in the world but after three months of owning the phone I’m becoming increasingly annoyed at this - at £1,099 it’s comfortably the most expensive phone I’ve bought and yet the user experience has been nowhere near as smooth as any of my other iPhones (probably had half a dozen different iPhones since iPhone 3G). The hype around it having “the fastest chip in a smartphone” seems completely ridiculous when you can only have ten or so apps open at once before getting this ugly stuttering when closing an app (or as others have said, the ‘open apps’ menu appears when you don’t want it to). I’ll persevere, but so far I really don’t feel the phone has been worth anywhere near the cost as the user experience (in my opinion) really is affected by this - we also had the stuttering issue when beginning to type out iMessages for the first few weeks, although that seems to be fixed now. Please fix this, Apple - I really don’t want to be looking elsewhere for my next handset...
Same stutter issue with feedback number FB8994900

My feedback number is FB9006934 ☺️
My Feedback number is FB9007011
This issue still remains. My iphone 12 Pro have this issue since day one out of the box.
My Feedback numbers are FB9036521, FB9034257, FB9034254
My Feedback

is FB9052192

Same issue here. My iPhone 12 Pro lags in animations and gestures (constant stutter when swiping up apps).  I did not experience any of these bugs with my older iPhone 8 after years of use.  Already tried device resets and restores with the issue still persisting...
iPhone 12 animation lag caused by RunningBoard?