Arkit 4.0 and Body measurement


I'm working on an application that will try to take measures from parts of a human body (hand, foot..).

Now that Lidar has been integrated on the iPhone Pro and Arkit 4.0 came out, I would like to know if it seems feasible to combine the feature of the library such as model creation and geometry measurement, to get precise measurement of a body part.

Thanks for your help,
I am trying to do something a bit similar which is to automatically measure somebody’s height in ar. Right now I can make an app like the measure app in iOS where you click the button twice and it measures in between them so I am wondering whether anyone knows and is kind enough to help me with measuring heights automatically in ar.

Hi guys. do you have updates on this that you wouldn't mind sharing?

In December 2022 I submitted the request to the Apple support about the automatic height measurement (with LiDAR) in Apple's Measure app. And they replied that they didn't publicly released that technology yet.

Apple's Measure App must be based on:

  1. The device's 6DoF
  2. The floor plane
  3. The outline contour of the object person in image
  4. The LiDAR data of the object person.

Then, according to the principle of triangulation, we could determine the height of a person from the floor to the head-top.

Apple should open the source code of Measure.


Any updates on this ?

I am also interested!

Arkit 4.0 and Body measurement