ML Compute C APIs?

ML Compute APIs are in Swift. Are there C APIs for ML Compute?


If not, what would be the best way to write C shims for ML Compute types like MLCTensor and MLCTrainingGraph?
Ah, I see that there are also ML Compute Objective-C APIs, parallel to the Swift ones.

I wonder if it's possible to call into these Objective-C entry points (header files) via C interoperability in other languages (Python)?

I have started implementation wrapper for C++ but not finished yet… May be it will help to start… I am planning to expose interfaces for python after I will test it and fix all my mistakes…

Now the problem is in ARC which should be handled manually I think…

Hey guys - feels a little bit nice🙂 There is a training MNIST as an example(has some problems with memory leaks but it will be fixed very soon… Example do training but still fails on evaluation(do not worry I will fix it soon)…