Apple Pay Merchant Id limit

Hi, anyone aware of the limit of merchant ids per ADA . I am getting this error now . It says"Unable to add Merchant ID because Merchant ID limit 100 has been exceeded" I am using my organisation's ADA.

Want to know if this an app store bug or we need to pay more or this is a limitation, or we would need more accounts to overcome this limitation

Any inputs would be highly appreciated


Short Answer

If you need to add more than 100 Merchant IDs, you must add them via the Apple Pay Web Merchant Registration API.

Long answer

The Apple Developer website allows you to manage up to 100 Merchant IDs.

Once you exceed 100 and attempt to add another Merchant ID, you will receive the error, "Unable to add Merchant ID because Merchant ID limit 100 has been exceeded." The only way to add more than 100 Merchant IDs is programmatically add them via the Apple Pay Web Merchant Registration API.

You can request access to the Apple Pay Web Merchant Registration API via this link

Domain Verification File(s)

Once you have been granted access you will receive an email from the Apple Pay Team which will include domain verification file(s) attached to the email that will need to be hosted on each domain that you register. The contents of the domain verification file is a long unique alphanumeric key that Apple stores in their systems. When you attempt to call their API, they will attempt to download the domain verification file from your domain at the following address: https://[DOMAIN_NAME]/.well-known/apple-developer-merchantid-domain-association

For clarity on exactly where to host the domain verification file, if your URL is, then you would create a route on your website that returned the domain verification file at the route:

The URL path ".well-known/apple-developer-merchantid-domain-association" could either be a virtual route, or depending on your web server you could create a folder named ".well-known", then a sub-folder named "apple-developer-merchantid-domain-association", and place an index.html file in that folder that contained the contents of the domain verification file that you received in the email from the Apple Pay Team.

More information on domain verification can be found at the following URL:

Register Merchant API

Once your domain verification file is hosted at your domain(s), then you can call the Register Merchant API endpoint. More information can be found here: Register Merchant - Web Service Endpoint

Hello, Does this solution works for iOS apps as well? or is it only for Apple pay on the web?

Thank you in advance.

  • Hi,I have the same problem, I don't plan to use it on the web. Does the above solution work for iOS apps as well? I would like to know if anyone knows.

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