New Apple Developer Team not showing up in Xcode

I just started a new position with a new company and was just recently added to their Apple Dev account. When I sign into App Store Connect and navigate to users my app id is clearly listed with developer permissions. However, in Xcode my new team does not show up when I sign into my account and it just lists my personal team. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Go to Xcode -> Preferences -> Accounts then delete and sign again on your personal account and development team should appear. Issue was on Apple side.

same problem

same problem.

same problem ;(

Same issue here, I tried to remove and add the account again but it didn't work. I called apple support but they just says automatically things like a robot.

Same here

I am seeing this as well. I'm not new to the team and have been building on xcode for some time now. Suddenly I receive this error

We are also experiencing this issue.

I'm experiencing same issue and I my work stuck :(

We had the same problem today, the solution we found was manually to create certificates and provisioning profiles, and to install them to each mac.

Same problem. In AppStore Connect I can select "Software Finance" team, where I am admin with access to certificates. But in Apple Developer I don't have this team in a list.

I am having the same problem.

Developer Support got back to me, they said they are aware of the issue and are working on it. It's in their hands, not much we can do at this point.

Also, have the same issue, problem is that I can't use Fastlane to generate certificate and provisioning profiles now and my colleague tester needs a provisioning profile for his new device. Tried all the suggested tips but nothing worked. I even went as far as to add my personal Account as admin and the issue was there as well. Then I deleted my account from AppStore, readded it using my personal account, and still the same. Needless to say checking and unchecking automatic signing, deleting the account, deleting derived data, restarting computer. All done and nothing. I'm getting desperate here.

The following steps solved it for me:

  1. Go to the App Store Connect and select the team you don't have access to in Xcode.
  2. Go to the "Users and Access".
  3. Find yourself and click/tap your own name/user.
  4. Change the "Preferred Currency" to anything else (and back, if desired).
  5. Press "Save".
  6. Logout/Login into Xcode and you should be able to see the team now in the list.

I didn't expect it to, but changing the preferred currency worked!

Guys, I think this issue is due to apple updates. This section became for paid developer accounts only. I think if you dont have a paid developer account or you are not an admin in an organization you cant see teams except the personal team.

Monopolism everywhere.

Still facing the same problem. Any solutions?

I am also facing same issue. Any solutions?

We had the same problem. Workarounds here didn't work, but this fixed it for us:

Make sure Access to Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles and Access to Cloud Managed Distribution Certificate are enabled for the account on

Still facing this issue. We also tried to change "Preferred Currency", but not work =((

I have tried all the suggested work arounds and am also still having the same issue, I'm an admin on the account and unable to get a signing key to do a production build.

After wasting lots of time, I found simple solution to make it work.

  1. Open Xcode
  2. Create NEW project
  3. Select Target => now you will see your team in Signing & Capabilities.

Just close this project and you will able to see team in your project.

This helped me:

Xcode does not see your development team(it is not a personal team) until admin check in the next setting in AppStoreConnect even if your role is Developer

Access to Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles

Unfortunately all workarounds so far didn't work for me:

  1. changed Preferred Currency
  2. created a new project.
  3. checked "Access to Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles" and "Access to Cloud Managed Distribution Certificate"
New Apple Developer Team not showing up in Xcode