macOS BigSur >= 11.1 wifi bridging issue on VMs

Hi all,

someone will already know this problem.

It seems that on some devices (i've a MBP 16" 2019 but i've read of some people with iMac 2019)
both Vmware Fusion (12.0 and 12.1) and also Parallels Desktop have networking problems (especially on Https) when the VM has a bridged WIFI connection with the mac.

NAT connection is OK.
Usb-c Ethernet connection (bridged and nat) is OK.

I've tried many combination of OS version (11.1, 11.2 and now beta 11.3) with Fusion 12.0, 12.1 but the problem is the same. Tried also Parallels Desktop 16.0 and 16.1

The problem was absent on macOS 11.0 and Fusion 12.0.

On Vmware forum there's a lot of confusion:
Discussion: macOS-Big-Sur-Fusion-12-NAT-no-internet-connection/m-p/2836781

There're some opened discussion where users are mixing different problems in the same thread.

I'm writing here because after my tests i'm pretty sure that the problem is at OS level.


I'm writing here because after my tests i'm pretty sure that the
problem is at OS level.

That’s quite possibly true. My advice:
  • If you haven’t already, please file a bug about this, then post the bug number here, just for the record.

  • It sounds like you’re not actually using the vmnet framework but rather using products that use the vmnet framework. If so, Apple Developer Forums isn’t really the right place for you. Rather, I recommend that you raise this on Apple Support Communities, run by Apple Support.

  • I also recommend that you discuss this with your VM software vendor. They may have already investigated this from their end. They are also in a better position to use Apple’s developer support resources, including DevForums and DTS.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""
Hi eskimo,

thanks for your answer, below mine:
  • done yesterday

  • yes, i'm sorry for that but Vmware is not doing anything, their forum is filled of requests and protests since is a paid product and the last update was released at Nov 2020

Hi Eskimo,

Parallels Support confirmed that is a macOS issue, not related to their software.

"Hi, if you are facing similar issues in Shared Network mode then we can confirm the issue is with Parallels Desktop. As you are facing issues only with bridged mode it is out of Parallels support scope. Thanks"

So who can manage this bug?
With Feedback Assistant i've sent a request but, as of today, no one has managed them.

I prefer not to downgrade my macOS installation to 11.0 for resolving this issue (because 11.0 has a lot of other bugs).

This bug was a major pain as almost nothing worked right in bridged mode, only shared. This issue was first reported to Parallels support back in October and we got a workaround from them about a month ago.

This workaround provided by Parallels support team has fixed the issue of the private mac address assignment from OSX when the network is configured in bridged mode. These boot flags have worked on every guest OS I have tried.
  1. Shut down the virtual machine.

  2. Open its configuration > Hardware > Boot Order > Advanced Settings > Boot flags.

  3. Paste the following system flags:

4. Start the virtual machine and check if the issue still remains.

I've tried the Parallels workaround with no success, same problem on wifi bridged connection.
fabioz23 wrote:

done yesterday

What was the bug number?

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""
macOS BigSur >= 11.1 wifi bridging issue on VMs