[ConfigurationUtilityKit.error – 0x194 (404)] when trying to install app by IPA file

When using Apple configurator 2 to install an app (IPA file) to an iPhone 6S 14.4.2, this is the error which appears

Alternatively, using ideviceinstaller gives the error ideviceinstaller -i myipa.ipa' terminated by signal SIGSEGV (Address boundary error)

This IPA file is a zip archive of a folder containing Payload/App.app, ItunesMetadata.plist, ItunesArtwork, and META-INF.

Why does installing this IPA fail?

App Binary was the closest tag I could find for this


The IPA zip archive must be created without being contained in a parent directory
Use cd MyApp; zip -r ../MyApp.zip * instead of zip -r MyApp.zip MyApp