Xcode 13 Beta if I only have one single Mac

I only have one Mac and I would like to

  • be able to reliably update my apps before iOS 15 and Xcode 13 become publicly available
  • explore features of iOS15 and Xcode 13 Betas.

Can I install Xcode 13 Beta parallel to my current stable Xcode 12? How do I make sure both versions don't interfere with each other? Of can I / should I trust stability of Xcode 13 Beta and just jump right in? Will apps targeted for iOS14 be accepted on the App Store if built by Xcode 13 Beta?

Accepted Reply

It's perfectly fine to have multiple versions of Xcode installed, for exactly this reason. By default, the released version of Xcode is installed as Xcode.app so you can continue to work on your released app and ship new features. The beta versions of Xcode are installed as Xcode-beta.app so you can also work on adopting new improvements in the next OS release; however, you should do so in a separate source code branch during the beta period so that any changes for future compatibility with Xcode 13 and iOS 15 are isolated until the beta period ends. Builds of your app are not accepted by the App Store if any part of the build uses a beta — that includes both an Xcode beta, as well a released Xcode running on a macOS beta.


I have just done it: downloaded 13 Beta, unpacked it and ran it right there. It didn't really "install" anything as far as I can tell, Xcode 12 seems to run unchanged. So I guess it just works as easy as this.

Could someone else please confirm that's the way it's supposed to be done? Am I missing something?

It's perfectly fine to have multiple versions of Xcode installed, for exactly this reason. By default, the released version of Xcode is installed as Xcode.app so you can continue to work on your released app and ship new features. The beta versions of Xcode are installed as Xcode-beta.app so you can also work on adopting new improvements in the next OS release; however, you should do so in a separate source code branch during the beta period so that any changes for future compatibility with Xcode 13 and iOS 15 are isolated until the beta period ends. Builds of your app are not accepted by the App Store if any part of the build uses a beta — that includes both an Xcode beta, as well a released Xcode running on a macOS beta.

Thank you edford. That’s what I was looking for.