Is a EULA and Terms of Service the same thing in the Apple world?

I was under the impression that a EULA and Terms of Service are not the same thing. However, my app just rejected for the following reason:

NOTE: We were unable to find the following required item(s) in your app's metadata:

– A functional link to the Terms of Use

– A functional link to the privacy policy

And as "Next Steps" it says:

To resolve this issue, please revise your app to include this missing information. If the above information is in your app or metadata, please reply to this message in Resolution Center to provide details on where to locate it. 

To add your license agreement text or privacy policy to appear on the App Store page for your app: 

  • Open your app in App Store connect
  • Select the App Information page from the left hand menu
  • In the General Information section, choose “Edit” next to “License Agreement” or "Privacy URL"
  • Click the relevant option to apply a custom EULA or Privacy Policy
  • Copy and paste your custom EULA or Privacy Policy into the appropriate box

This is really confusing because:

  • Under "NOTE" it says a Terms of Service is missing, but then "Next Steps" wants me to enter a custom EULA. I don't want to use a custom EULA, I'm fine with Apple's

  • The "Privacy URL" field is nowhere to be found, and I have idea how this is related to either a EULA or a Terms of Service.

So, I am at a loss for how to fix this situation. Somebody, please help.

I am having the same issue. Were you able to get it resolved?

Same issue here

It appears the two are synonymous for Apple.

Same issue here. Did any of you find a solution?

I'm having the same issue, any solutions?

  1. – A functional link to the Terms of Use

If you are using the standard Apple Terms of Use (EULA), you will need to include a link to the Terms of Use in your App Description. If you are using a custom EULA, add it in App Store Connect.

-Sign in to

-Select "My Apps"

-Select the "App Store" tab

-Select the version of your app on the left column under the "iOS APP" heading

-Edit the Description, putting in this link "Terms of Use:" in the end.

2 – A functional link to the privacy policy. You need to add a Web link or URL to your privacy policy. Generate one here:

Add the html to your website e.g URL->

-Sign in to

-Select "My Apps"

-Select the "App Store" tab

-Select the version of your app on the left column under the "iOS APP" heading

-Select General->App Privacy:

  • Under Privacy Policy ->Privacy Policy URL: Enter your URL

– A functional link to the Terms of Use. – A functional link to the privacy policy.

You need to create a link for the two in the app and post the corresponding screenshot.

Is a EULA and Terms of Service the same thing in the Apple world?