Storekit: get transaction history return 404

We try to get transaction history per this doc

However, we got 404, and response details are

< HTTP/2 404
< server: daiquiri/3.0.0
< date: Mon, 19 Jul 2021 09:04:48 GMT
< content-length: 0
< x-apple-jingle-correlation-key: TROLAF3A72KS6FCSQRCVCFFJKY
< x-apple-request-uuid: 9c5cb017-60fe-952f-1452-84455114a956
< b3: 9c5cb01760fe952f145284455114a956-cdbaee3838492961
< x-b3-traceid: 9c5cb01760fe952f145284455114a956
< x-b3-spanid: cdbaee3838492961
< apple-seq: 0.0
< apple-tk: false
< apple-originating-system: CommerceGateway
< x-responding-instance: CommerceGateway:010196:::
< apple-timing-app: 3 ms
< strict-transport-security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
< x-daiquiri-instance: daiquiri:45824002:st44p00it-hyhk15104701:7987:21HOTFIX14

Does it mean there is no related transaction history or something wrong with API usage?


Accepted Reply

Did you use the sandbox URL?


This API is supported in the sandbox environment only. Use the sandbox URL: access this endpoint.

is this the only response you got back? It looks like just the response header. The content of the response should give more details on the cause of the failure:

404 Not Found

(AccountNotFoundError | AccountNotFoundRetryableError | AppNotFoundError | AppNotFoundRetryableError | OriginalTransactionIdNotFoundError | OriginalTransactionIdNotFoundRetryableError)

Content-Type: application/json


Did you use the sandbox URL?


This API is supported in the sandbox environment only. Use the sandbox URL: access this endpoint.

is this the only response you got back? It looks like just the response header. The content of the response should give more details on the cause of the failure:

404 Not Found

(AccountNotFoundError | AccountNotFoundRetryableError | AppNotFoundError | AppNotFoundRetryableError | OriginalTransactionIdNotFoundError | OriginalTransactionIdNotFoundRetryableError)

Content-Type: application/json

Thank you for your update. Sorry for missing this important notification.

The content-length: 0 of the response body, so the body is empty and prove it through pass body in code.


same error I meeted

when i called the apple api: /inApps/v1/history/{originalTransactionId} http response 404, I tried in product and sandbox environment, all that response 404

and when i check the apple document  , i found that,404 is(AccountNotFoundError | AccountNotFoundRetryableError | AppNotFoundError | AppNotFoundRetryableError | OriginalTransactionIdNotFoundError | OriginalTransactionIdNotFoundRetryableError)

but i only can see 404, not 404*** ;