iOS15 Status bar style not fixed

On iOS 15 screens with a bezel, there is a problem with the text in the status bar changing from light to dark after switching from the background to the foreground. Occurs when the screen is in light mode, but works fine in dark mode and notch screens. There was no problem up to iOS14, is there a solution?

Answered by Pete in 698928022

I had this issue with my project. I resolved it by removing completely my existing Launch Screen from the project and completely recreating it from scratch - using File > New > File > Launch Screen. Do not just copy one from another project as a workaround either. Thankfully my Launch Screen is simple to recreate. I've found in the past that new versions of iOS are extremely sensitive to Launch Screens from older projects. My Light Content status bar style now works consistently, and sometimes my app would not properly reinstantiate under iOS 15 when bringing the app back from the background - these issues have both now been resolved. Of course also ensure that you choose the new Launch Screen from the dropdown under [Target] / General / Launch Screen File.

i notice this on many apps on my ipad (on ios15) apps that i know should have a Light Status bar color are sometimes dark, but if you leave and come back its "correct" i have a feeling this is more of a system bug, than a coding one. As its happening on many apps

I would report it.

I am experiencing exactly the same and I cannot find a valid solution to resolve this. Similarly to d.jeon, this issue manifested with the iOS15 and Xcode 13.0. Is it an iOS 15 bug? And is it expected to get fixed by Apple?

Thank you for your response.

Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find the answer yet. It is possible to expect a bug from the fact that it is occurring in iOS 15, but for now, we can only hope that it will be fixed in the new beta version.

-- duplicate --

Hi, I have the same problem with iOS15 (public final version) on iPhone, not on iPad

Any news about it ?


Accepted Answer

I had this issue with my project. I resolved it by removing completely my existing Launch Screen from the project and completely recreating it from scratch - using File > New > File > Launch Screen. Do not just copy one from another project as a workaround either. Thankfully my Launch Screen is simple to recreate. I've found in the past that new versions of iOS are extremely sensitive to Launch Screens from older projects. My Light Content status bar style now works consistently, and sometimes my app would not properly reinstantiate under iOS 15 when bringing the app back from the background - these issues have both now been resolved. Of course also ensure that you choose the new Launch Screen from the dropdown under [Target] / General / Launch Screen File.

iOS15 Status bar style not fixed